Friday, January 21, 2005

If you thought I didn't care last semester, this semester will be an impressive bout of apathy. See, here's my thing. I hate school. I want to drop out. But, I have only two more semesters to go, so I have to bite my tongue and just do it. Here's where the trouble comes in. Right now what I want to do is get straight C's and graduate and do something, anything, else. But back in my naive younger days when I signed up for this god forsaken english major, I also succumbed to the honors program. They sent me confetti in the mail, how could I refuse? But the thing is, I'm stuck in it now. I have to not only maintain a certain GPA, but I have to take "honors" classes. What is an honors class, you ask? It's a class much like a normal class, but with more work. In fact, the university I attend offers no honors english classes, so I have to make my own using an "Honors Option" form. What that means is I ask my teacher to give me more work in exchange for calling that class an "honors class." So what? Here's what. Instead of going deeper into subjects or doing mentally interesting and challenging things, I have to write more papers. More work. This is the honors program, and it sucks. When I signed up to the promise of more challenging, rewarding work for my extremely intelligent mind, I didn't realize that meant doing more of the same shit than normal people. And for what? Well, I didn't have to take a lot of shitty 100 level classes. And I got priority registration. But at this point, when I'm completely dissatisfied with the education I'm receiving (reading books and writing papers about them is not an education, it's just busy work), that's not worth it. If I had to do it all over again, I would take those stupid 100 level classes, register with the rest of my class, and coast on my lazy ass through this. Because the amount of love you take is equal to the love you make, according to the Beatles, sages for the ages, and this school is not making any love to me. I have no idea if that makes any sense. It sounded better before I wrote it. What it boils down to is this: I have no interest in this school because this school has not educated me so much as it has made me do more high school like busy work for four years, and I am fucking sick of it. Fuck college.

Anyway... I got my No Idea and Fat CDs the other day, finally, and I have been a much happier person ever since. Not that the above paragraph demonstrates that at all. But here we go: Against Me! is officially the best band ever. Or close. The acoustic EP is great, the DVD is awesome, and I would marry Tom Gable if it wasn't illegal. Gunmoll is also very good. Fifth Hour Hero seem to grow with every release. And on an unrelated note, if you haven't heard my spiel about Heiruspecs, this band will seriously renew your faith in hip hop. They are that good. Music saves the day! Ironically, Saves the Day isn't that good anymore.

Cartoons are excellent. Futurama is excellent. Aqua Teen Hunger Force is excellent. I don't know how people can tell you drugs are bad when they caused the Beatles' later work, and almost certainly caused ATHF. Drugs are good!

I have a new car. It is good. Thank you Dad for helping me, hopefully this one lasts for a while. It's a 2000 Ford Escort ZX2 and it is very fun to drive. Resident Evil 4 is out and I'd go buy it but I can't be spending money right now. Plus I still have to beat Paper Mario, Prince of Persia, and Megaman before I get it. That's my reasoning. But I do get sexually aroused every time I even think of playing it.

I got my new driver's license today. I look high in the picture. I'm pretty sure I smiled, but I think the guy managed to take it right before I did, so I have this stupid half smile on my face. Good stuff. I know their tricks to make you look stupid in your ID picture. The guy says "I'll take the picture on the count of three," and then he takes it at like 2.5, catching you while you're adjusting your face to your picture face. Sneaky.

Brian also posted here today, and his post is very happy and all jolly and other words that mean the same thing. I made delicious brownies. I am a master chef!

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