Monday, September 27, 2004

Cam says I don't update this anymore, to which I say "Oh yeah? Then what's this?" But he's right, I don't update this very often. You know why that is? Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much the stork brings them a kid and he grows up and gets locked into doing the same shit every week and doesn't really have anything to write about. This lack of news in my life will become very apparent very soon.

My cell phone number apparently used to be an insurance company in Georgia's number because I get all these 770 numbers that I don't recognize calling me. I answered the first one because I was like "Sweet, someone's calling my cell phone and I don't know them; this is a prime opportunity for me to make a new friend!" Then they asked for the insurance company and I was disappointed. So now I don't pick up numbers I don't recognize unless they leave a message.

Uh... let's see. Leslie came up again this weekend like every weekend. That was good. I told her we have to see Shaun of the Dead next weekend. So if anyone wants to come you should, because it looks funny. We did see Collateral (good) and Resident Evil (not so good) this past week. Wednesday maybe. At Resident Evil we were very excited because there appear to be some good scary movies coming out soon. Though in my experience "good" and "scary movies" should never be used together, who knows. This movie Saw looks creepy as sheeyot. And White Noise and... uh... something else looked scary too. In other news, I'm all about waiting three months and watching movies at the 3 dollar theater.

Music news, the new Dwarves album is teh shitzorz. I got it on maybe Tuesday and I can't stop listening to it. Every day. It sucks my life out slowly and I enjoy every second of it. Also surprisingly good is the new Tsunami Bomb album. I called their first album "The Best Album Kung Fu Ever Released" and though that ain't true, it was still a good album. But this blows it away, it's a really solid record the whole way through. Good stuff. I got the Dillinger Escape Plan's EP on Epitaph used the other day and it kills me as much as Miss Machine. I can't recommend anyone listen to that band because the sheer wall of noise and fury they put out can only loosely be described as music, but I've definitely gotten to like it. Good background noise for reading. Miss Machine is so harsh that you actually feel like you've just gotten done working out when it's over. You're breathing all hard. It's weird. And the new Green Day album is pretty damn good too. It's apparent that the days of Dookie and Insomniac greatness are over, but this album does beat the living shit out of that waste of plastic they put out a few years ago called Warning. Most of the songs run together and that's sweet. And Billie Joe can actually sing now. I recommend that.

I moved in with Danny. It's good. Green carpet is cool. The cable in my room doesn't work for some reason and for that I will give every Comcast employee twenty lashes and a stern warning that if it ever happens again they will receive twenty more. Our dishwasher here doesn't seem to do anything to the dishes so if this keeps up I'm going to just wash by hand and put them back. Save water. And the toaster oven makes Pop Tarts crumbly, not crunchy, and that upsets the gods. But other than that, Danny is a good roommate. We don't see each other all that much because we're both working all the time, or I'm down at Leslie's, but it works out. The only thing that sucks is cell phone service is non existant inside here. So if you call me and I don't answer, I'm probably at home. One of these days I'll get a land line put in here but until then... talk to me on the computer or leave me a message.

I got my Dreamcast back and it's like a whole new system again. I've been playing Grandia 2 since I never beat that. After that I'll probably go play the rest of Shenmue 2, then who knows. There are a whole world of possibilities there. The games are 6 bucks at the used place. Everyone should go to the local used place and buy a Dreamcast and the whole library of games for like 75 bucks.

I think that's it. I read two more books for class since we last spoke: The Magic Barrel by Bernard Malamud (decent, but not getting my seal of recommendation) and The End of the Road by John Barth (well written but incredibly depressing at the end, not getting my seal of recommendation). I know you all live and die by my book reviews, so I'll keep them coming.

My hair is long but Cam's hair is really long, and Leslie cut her hair short. Until next time, keep that in mind.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Well, I suck at updating this thing. It's almost been two months, so I guess it's about time I keep you all updated with the many goings on in my life. So here goes, you better prepare yourself for this massive life update.

I've been going to school and doing school work. Fridays from 6-8pm I do a radio show with Yannos. Sometimes on the weekend I do fun things with others.

That just about does it. 2 months of my life summed up in 3 sentences. I'm cool.

I finally got my Joey Cape/Tony Sly acoustic cd back today. Of course, you probably didn't know I lost it, but it's true. I left it at home. Thankfully, it's now back in my possession. And if you don't have it, then you're stupid, because it's really good.

Uh... yes. You'd think after two months it'd be nearly impossible for me to have writer's block so early in the entry, but I'm here to defy all odds.

Billy Collins is officially my favorite poet. If you haven't read anything by him, that's too bad, cause the man kicks ass. His writing is really rich and vivid, but it never leaves you completely lost. I admire that. So it's poetry minus all the bad things you associate with poetry.

Here's something I could do without: shitty livejournal/profile poetry. You know, stuff like this:

Slash My Wrists
I cry tears over
And slash my wrists over
And you never think about
And you never look at
I can't live without
But you live without

All right, enough of that. You get the picture. Now, it's one thing to use uber emo lyrics, but to write your own bad poetry and force others to read it... Well, that's just mean. Of course, I'm one to talk, seeing as how we have a whole page of poetry on our website. Whatever.

What's that you say? A random Top 5 list? Ok, sure.

Top 5 Reasons To Hate Your Neighbors:
1. They never wear shirts. And they're guys. I should've clarified that.
2. They cannot park between the lines.
3. They leave their recycling bin out in the front yard for a week.
4. They trash barstools and a vacuum cleaner and leave the shattered remains scattered all over the common backyard area.
5. Somehow, regardless of 1-4, they still get throngs of girls to come to a dinner party.

I don't base that list off of reality at all. That's just a list of hypotheticals.

All right, enough babbling. I typed a whole lot and said nothing profound whatsoever. So I guess it's about time I get to that super deep moment of the entry: When you cry, the whole world cries too.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The book Excellent Women should be called Excellent Women Sucks because it sucks. Y'see... Ahh... anyway.

How was your labor day weekend? Mine was so good I'm not even capitalizing it. Let's see... Leslie came up for the whole weekend and it was good. There. No school on Monday means no Spanish, which means Yay!. And I got a test back in there that I got a 75 on. I was kicking ass on it and then I got to the section where we need to know tenses other than present, and I sucked it up. I wish I could remember tenses. Language is hard.

Brian and I are going to enter this contest Bravo is having for a comedy TV series. As nobody knows, we've written like 7 episodes of a script for a sitcom type deal that we were going to try to sell after school. But now there's this contest so today we cleaned up my original, 3 year old pilot episode and we're going to turn that in. If we win, which we won't, but if we do, we go to LA for 10 weeks and do some reality TV type deal that chronicles the making of the show. And that sucks, because reality TV sucks. But we also get $25,000 and the show gets 10 episodes on the air, I think. And you know what, at this point, I'd sell my soul for $25,000 bucks so if it means dropping school for a semester and making a shitty reality TV show, I'll sell out with no regrets. But before any of that happens, we have to win. And to win our show would have to be good. And for our show to be good, someone else would have had to write it. So we're screwed.

My car is a bitchy bitch bitch. So it didn't start last week, so I called the tow truck guy the next day and he came over, started it right up, and towed it to the mechanic, who also started it right up. So that cost 84 bucks and nothing happened. Then it sprung a leak in another coolant hose so that got fixed for 130 bucks or so. And then yesterday it wouldn't start again. So I left it overnight and tried to start it today and it still wouldn't start, so I was like good, it's not going to work, so when I have it towed again they'll actually be able to find what's wrong with it. But then they call today and they go "Yeah, we got your car and it started right up for us." So apparently I'm retarded. I'd think I'm insane, but Charlie's been witness to this car both times it's done this, and Eric and John saw it this time. What I need to do is have those guys at the shop show me how to start my own damn car. So I told them I don't care if it's starting, it doesn't start once a week, and that's too much, and I told them we think it's a short in the electrical system somewhere that's not sending a shock through the car to start it. So we'll see what they have to say. If I get it back and it's fixed then I might keep it for a while, since this is the only problem it has now. But if I get it back and it's not fixed, the thing is going up for sale before something else can break in it.

I'm on the Dean's List. Hip hip hooray? I'm "among the most academically successful students in the College of Liberal Arts and at Colorado State University." The school is proud of my achievements and is "honored" that I've chosen to study with them. See, I got this nice letter from good ol' Heather K. Hardy, Dean over the summer, telling me how awesome I am. And Heather, I have this to say to you. Put up or shut up, lady. Give me some scholarship money if you're so proud of me, or you can take you nice mass produced letter and shove it up your cheap, money witholding ass.

I am seriously going to move sometime. This weekend, maybe, if I can get the paperwork done by then. If not, then... next weekend, I guess. No rush. But when the car and the moving are out of my mind, I'll be like a new man.

Turning music up ridiculously loud and singing until your throat is raw is the best therapy there is. Until next time, keep on keeping on trucking.