Sunday, June 05, 2005

God, has it been that long? Yes, Adam, it has. You should update more often. Whatever, God, sometimes I get busy. Don't try lying to me, I know you're just lazy. What are you, Santa Claus? You know what I'm thinking? Don't give me a lump of coal or anything. No, I'm not Santa, I'm God. Oh, right.

That's how my conversation with God went earlier when I expressed my disbelief at how long it's been since I updated this thing. It's been so long, in fact, that I had to make a list of shit to talk about. Thus, I will bold the topics and place them in front of the paragraphs for easy navigation when you want to show all your friends the brilliance of specific paragraphs in this post.

Motorcycle Diaries - The Motorcycle Diaries is one hell of a good movie, assuming you're literate in English or fluent in Spanish. Generally I'm not a big fan of having to read movies, but I do love the open road, and that's what this movie was about. South America looks like a beautiful place with a vibrant culture, and it reminds me of how sheltered I am as a United Statesian (American seems kind of pigheaded, since, you know, there are lots of countries in the Americas). I know next to nothing about anything outside of the US, and I place the blame for this on the US culture, which, since we think we're so dominant in every aspect of everything, doesn't bother to teach us anything about other countries. Looking at Machu Picchu through the eyes of a young Ernesto Guevara brought up deep feelings. You'd have to see the movie to understand, probably, but it really is amazing and saddening that a culture that produced such beautiful structures was wiped out and taken over by a culture that builds cities that are cramped and unattractive. Like the movie says, if the natives had had gunpowder and not the Spanish, the world would be a much different place. I want to travel all around the world at some point in my life to see other cultures in an attempt to understand the human condition better.

New Place - Couch - Deep stuff up there. Man. Anyway, Cam and I are living in the nice new place now, and we've been here for something like... a few weeks, a month, more or less, I don't know how long. But the point is, we still don't have a couch, because it's at Charlie's. He's finally bringing it now, though. A combination of rain and everyone working delayed the process of getting it over here. A living room is not much of a living room without a couch, though, that's for sure. We just moved a couple of our dining room chairs in there for seating, but it's really hard to lay down on dining room chairs. And it's really hard for me to lay on my bed and see the TV in the living room through the wall. So the couch will be great. Speaking of TV, we don't get cable anymore because we came to the conclusion that there's nothing ever on TV anyway. It occurs to me that not having TV is some kind of hipster thing to do, so don't get the wrong idea. We're just cheap and poor.

Record Player - Yesterday, I finally found a record player. We went to two thrift stores with no luck, though they did smell funny and there were strange people wandering around, so it wasn't a total waste. Then I saw some pawn shop and we went in and asked if they had record players, and the guy pointed us to these 200 dollar turntables. No sir. So we wandered around for a while and stumbled on a litlte 20 dollar record player, which is now hooked up to the TV, and I've listened to my Me First 7"s and they're way cool. I like records. Cam was impressed that my Eternal Cowboy CD is one of 250 or so white vinyls in existance. Yay for me.

New Job - Girl - I plant flowers for a living these days, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and it hurts my back. But it's outside, which is nice, and it's a pretty laid back company with few rules, which is nice. So overall, I'm glad it's only three weeks, because I'm not sure my body can take much more than that, but it's not a terrible job. I work with two girls and a crew chief, all of whom are neat. One girl especially has caught my eye, so assuming somehow I get some kind of confidence, maybe I'll ask her out this week. I asked her to a concert last week but she was going out of town. Asking her out a second time is going to take balls, and I am a woman, so we'll see about that.

Videogames - RE4, Megaman, Baseball - I finally beat Resident Evil 4, and it was awesome, and anyone who plays videogames should play through it. Definitely one of the top 5 games I've ever played. Now I'm playing Megaman X Command Mission, which is a pretty average RPG, and i'm not really driven to beat it, but I own it, and this summer one of my missions is to beat all the games I have but haven't beaten. Then there's MVP Baseball 2005, which is an amazing baseball game for those of us who like baseball. It wastes more of my time than anything else recently. The new videogame systems have been announced and shown, and PS3 is going to cost 460 bucks. No sir, I don't like it (name the cartoon and win!).

Haunted - I'm sure Brian plugged Sir Palahniuk's new book in his last entry, but I'll plug it again. Go get it. I'm like 50 pages from the end, trying to read it really slowly so it'll last me a while, but it's so damn good I can't help myself. Guts is the grossest story ever written. The Nightmare Box is amazing.

Experiment - Jesus, I have a lot to write about. Sorry about this. Anyway, at work, since I work outside and near streets sometimes, my new on the job experiment is to say hi to people who walk by. The results: Older men usually stop and have a short conversation with me, all guys at least say "what's up?", and about 70% of girls/women mutter something under their breath and walk faster. One of the girls I work with tells me that this is because at some point women become so jaded and arrogant that they think that every time a guy says hi to them, he's trying to have sex with them. Ladies, is this true? If so, you all suck.

Cooking (spaghetti, hamburgers, tacos - onion powder, salt, pepper, hamburger spice, red robin [stolen] spice)- That's a long heading, but I had to remind myself of what the hell I was talking about with "cooking." So yeah, Cam and I have never really cooked anything (except, of course, for my world famous delicious breakfast burritos). But we've managed to now cook lots of things. For example, we made spaghetti last night, and hamburgers on the grill tonight. The way we spice things, is we take everything we have that's in powder form (see list above in heading) and dump liberal amounts of it in there. It actually turns out making everything pretty tasty. The Red Robin spice has a little story: One time Charlie and I were eating there, and he goes "Wouldn't it be cool to take the spice?" I think I said yeah. But then he actually stole it, and then he gave it to me, and I was like "What am I supposed to do with this?" So it's been sitting in the cupboard for a few months now, and I'm finally starting to use it. And it's delicious. I am a master chef!

The Ol' Website - Mini Rants here - It occurs to me that the ol' website is pretty much out of commission, unfortunately. I think after they deleted our original website, we never regained steam. We had so much good stuff up there, and when it disappeared, it was like a part of our collective history just got blown away. Weak sauce. But this place is cool because we can rant about whatever's on our minds at the time. We don't have the readership we had at the old website because I have no idea how to promote this blog, but whatever. Sometimes strangers wander across the blog and like it, so that's good.

Trista - I noticed that Trista left a comment in here the other day. So I thought I'd say hi. I'll try to email you sometime and see what's going on. Congratulations on not working at Taco Bell anymore. If you're anything like me, there will be some serious, serious celebrations going on that last night when you're off. That was a hell of a night. Mario Party, Trista, is a wicked good drinking game, if you're interested. I can give you the details on how to do it and avoid getting way too messed up, like we did. We learned our lesson, let's just say that much.

Brian's awards - For lack of a better title. Brian got two comments on his last entry, one of which sounded like some kind of award or something, and the other of which was a nice stranger leaving a message. Way to be entertaining, Brian. Now if you could do it more than once every two months, we'd be in business.

So, in conclusion, you just wasted a long long time reading that. I bet you feel silly. See you next time.

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