Thursday, June 03, 2010

To further add to the "this blog isn't about TV shows, but we're gonna talk about TV shows a helluva lot" (Firefox's spell check is super cool with "helluva," by the way, but still not "Barack" or "Obama." WTF?), what's up with America's Got Talent? I've never seen this show, but apparently I'm missing out on THE MOST AMAZING TV EVER. I've seen a few commercials for a few different seasons, and each promo features the judges with near-teary eyes, mouths agape, and saying how "that was the most amazing thing I've ever seen." Hey, judges: The compliment kind of loses its effect when every single thing you see is the most amazing thing you've ever seen.

But, moreover, why do we even need a show called America's Got Talent? It's the whole Susan Boyle thing all over again. (Did I talk about that before? Or Adam? I've forgotten.) You mean that people from diverse/adverse backgrounds also possess some demonstrable skill? But that can't be! They're just supposed to be poor and stupid and sterile (if only!). Any time I meet someone who's different from me, I immediately assume they have absolutely nothing worth contributing to society. And certainly not a skill of some sort. God, no.

Look. It's cool that you're showcasing how people are neat in their own ways. But come on, do we really need to make a show out of it? Or a contest? (It is a contest, right?) But hey, I'm clearly not part of their target audience, so they probably don't care.

So that's the bad TV. As for the good TV, I've started watching Party Down, which is streaming on Netflix. Pretty funny show. Not amazingly hysterical, but funny. Some great guest stars, too. The 25 minutes go by very quickly. So check out a few episodes -- that's my recommendation.

My goal this summer is to read Infinite Jest. I really think I can do it. I'm attempting Nabokov's Pale Fire first, as a warm-up. It's going well so far. Liked the Forward and the poem itself, now it's on to the Commentary. I'm expecting it to get really weird and wacky soon. "Weird and wacky." I'm sure that made the book's dust-cover blurb.

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