Monday, March 14, 2005

On the eve of the great Texas adventure, I am full of hope. Hope that this trip will be fun, that the concerts will rock, that it'll give me an excuse to listen to 34 hours of music, that I'll get a little bit of reading done, and that I'll maybe be able to think about my life enough to figure out what I want out of it. I'm going to make a delicious breakfast burrito tomorrow morning, pack lots of turkey and cheese and bread, some granola bars, combine this food with Cam's stash, and head out. If we live, which I don't see any reason why we wouldn't, I'm sure there'll be stories to be told. For example, if we drive by the World's Biggest Gopher, you can bet your ass we're taking pictures. So the 15th is the drive. We leave at about 2, get in to Dallas on the 16th about 9am. Sleep. Go to Queens of the Stone Age that night. The next day is Saint Patrick's Day, which I'm sure we'll spend out with Dave. Then, the 18th, is Against Me! Then we'll either sleep or just come back, getting back on the 19th or 20th. Wish us good luck.

Cam and I went hiking up Greyrock the other day and it was way awesome. I'm still sore two days later, but that's because I'm out of shape. The hike up kind of sucked, and the hike down definitely sucked (except for the rock, which was pretty neat), but up at the top, above all the trees, away from all the people, you can just see for miles. It's not quite a spiritual experience, but it's as close as I can remember coming. The wind was blowing like a motherfucker, and I felt like I could die at any minute because hopping along narrow rocks is not my specialty. But it was great, and I'd do it again anytime. Maybe even by myself when I just need some time to think things over. We took lots of pictures, which I'm sure some of you will be getting at some point because I think they're neat. Great scenery. It turns out there is some bonus to living in the mountains. I guess (and here I go again, getting all philosophical) that the lesson I'm learning is if you just look around, there's so much interesting stuff. You don't have to just settle down into a job or school and just do nothing but work all the time. That's just the image society portrays. Honestly, people get all worked about about all the minor shit, myself included, but fuck it man, just take some time for yourself. Hop in the car and go somewhere. Not a tourist attraction or anything, just drive somewhere new. It's so interesting, to me anyway, to see new places and things, yet I never actually take time to do anything. I get all involved in all my stupid reading, and Subway, and all that kind of mundane everyday stuff, that I don't even take the time to notice that the mountains pop up from nowhere just to the west of here. I never drive up the Poudre and enjoy the scenery. I don't try to meet new people. I just kind of wallow around not doing anything. But this spring break, I'm not going back to Conifer. I'm going somewhere new. I'm trying new things. It's going to be a great trip, if only because it'll get me out of Fort Collins, out of this part of the country, away from everything I see every god damn day of the year, and into a whole new place. I don't have to be myself, really, because none of these people I see down there will ever see me again (except Cam). It's so liberating. So what if it's just Texas, and everyone's been to Texas? I'm doing my best to be optimistic here, and that's not easy for me. Anyway, that's all. Have a good spring break, everyone who goes to CSU. If it's not your spring break, then just have a good week. Try not to let life break your spirit.

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