Thursday, March 24, 2005

So Terry Schiavo. That's a sticky situation, huh? I mean, the woman is alive. But, she's not really... alive. Her husband wants to remove her feeding tube and her parents don't want to. Anyway, alls I'm saying is I'm glad I'm not in that situation and I don't have to make any decisions. But, I do have problems with two groups of people involved in this thing. Or should I say, two groups of people who are involved but have no business being involved in this thing. Namely, the government and the protester people outside. One, I thought republicans were for less government. So what's the deal with legislation that directly interferes with a personal matter? I hate the government enough right now without them trying to directly interfere with our lives. They're already fucking up on a world scale with the Iraq invasion that was supposed to be over a year and a half ago. They don't need to fuck with us individually. I'm sorry that Christians have such a high value on everything that resembles life, but all because our president is a coke head... I mean a drunk driver... I mean a born again Christian doesn't mean that we can prevent people from dying. Bush needs to go back to Crawford, Texas or wherever he's from and just take a three year long vacation so he doesn't screw anything else up.

And speaking of Christians, there are a bunch of these holier-than-thou fucks stationed outside Jeb Bush's office and the hospital where Terry Schiavo is. What they're doing is telling me that because I don't agree with them that I'm a bad person. I resent that. If these people truly cared about anything besides getting on TV and trying to get laid by impressing other Christians with their holiness, they'd do something more constructive to the world. If they care about life so much, why not donate some money to some charities? Join the peace corps? Go to a third world country and work at improving the quality of life? Why not go home and try to improve the quality of life for people who actually live on a daily basis? Terry Schiavo had it rough, it's sad, it's unfortunate. But she's one woman who is basically a vegetable for the rest of her life. I'm missing the point of hanging out outside and reading from the Bible. I can't stress this enough: YOU CANNOT BASE YOUR LIFE OFF OF A BOOK. You can base your life off of the solid moral foundation that the Bible puts forth. But we don't live 2,000 years or longer ago. We live now. Things have changed a tiny bit since those days. Sodomy (and I mean stuff like oral sex, not just anal, and sorry if sex bothers you) is illegal in many states because people 200 years ago were puritans and couldn't stand the idea of someone putting something like that someplace like that. But nowadays we're much more openminded and I can't remember the last time anyone got arrested for sodomy in this country. What I'm trying to say is that rules change over time, and there are now situations where life is not so clearly life. Fetuses. Comatose people. Where were these protesters and pro-life fuckers when children got shot and killed up in Minnesota recently? Isn't their deaths more tragic than one woman who doesn't even know she's alive being humanely lead to sleep? They're down there in Florida because they want to be on TV. They want to impress people. They want compliments. They don't know or care about Terry Schiavo. They've never met her. If someone I loved was dying, I would be pissed if a bunch of strangers who don't know my loved one and don't have any idea what she's been through or what she was like, I'd be pissed if they showed up and started telling me how to handle it. This is a personal matter in the Schiavo family. Everyone else should stay the fuck out of their business.

I was talking to Max today about our pessimistic attitudes. People say we're negative. But you know what? We enjoy being negative. We enjoy doing things out of spite. For example, it's election time here on campus, and running are the yellow people and the green people. I don't know their names but those are the colors of their signs. A guy from the yellow camp came and talked to us while we were trying to get inside without being bothered. So we decided that if we were going to vote, we'd vote for the green people to spite the yellow people. Today we decided that this is a perfectly legitimate reason to do something. So if you know some pessimists or spiteful people, leave them alone, because that's all they really want. You have no idea how annoying it is to hear about how negative we are, or how quiet we are, or how we never smile. We smile. We talk. But we only do these things when we're around people we like. If we don't talk to you or smile at you, we don't like you. That's that. Go spite!

On basketball: It's boring. But it's marginally less boring during this march madness business, if only because of my strange affinity for brackets.

Snow sucks and I don't like walking in it because my shoes are old and have holes in them and my feet get cold and wet.

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