Tuesday, March 08, 2005

So today's Charlie's birthday. Happy 21st. Yay. To celebrate, Danny and Charlie and I went to Hooters and played trivia. We placed third and won ten dollars, which we promptly used to pay for our alcohol tally. I have to give a shout out to Cam for pulling through on the tie breaker question for us. Compuserve. Genius. Sometimes I wish I still didn't drink. Things were a lot cheaper back then. Tomorrow Cam and Charlie and I are going out for Charlie's birthday part 2, and we're going to the Rio for margarita night, then proceeding...somewhere else, probably. Who knows. Not having class early on Thursday is good. Then Thursday I'm taking Charlie to the airport so he can go to Florida for spring break. Huzzah.

I know I've said this before, and I know I've got some backing on this, but geese suck. I propose legislation that says if I see a goose standing in the middle of the road shitting on things, I can hit it with my car instead of waiting for it to take its sweet time to move out of the road. Geese should be made extinct. I walk to school to save gas and the environment and all that crap, and to get a little exercise, and it'd be nice to be able to look at where I'm going instead of making sure I'm not stepping in goose crap. Speaking of crap, there's some dog crap on my path too, and I'm having a good time watching it decompose over the past few weeks.

I got a story published in the honors literary magazine. The story is "Forever" and can be found at the website listed to the right. It's pretty cool. I'm going to submit some stories to a contest in the hopes of winning $1500. Right. That'll happen.

Listen to Armchair Martian.

The Facebook has become addicting. I like browsing through all these groups and crap. Damn that website. It has put me back in contact with some high school buddies, and that's kind of cool, I guess. Also, Mark Hanks from high school emailed me the other day and Mark is a cool cat.

I guess I'd like to take this time to thank my friends for being cool guys and all the stuff that's associated with that. I'm sure there was more stuff I was going to say, but I really can't remember any of it. I have to start writing things down.

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