Sunday, June 14, 2009

Every time I log into this thing, I click the "Remember Me" box. This apparently tells the thing to remember me for approximately three seconds, because if I wait a couple of days to come back to this, I have to log back in again. It's not really the most annoying thing in the world, but it does make me wonder what happens if you don't click the "Remember Me" box. Will it forget you all together and your account disappears? I feel like I'm at the end of Eternal Sunshine, shouting at blogger "Remember me! Remember me!" But then when it wakes up, it has no idea who I am. And I am so sad.

In Denver on Friday night with my brother waiting to see the Dillinger Four, a guy came up to us and said "Hey guys, my name's Leroy and I'm a street performer. I sing songs, old Motown. You want to hear one?" And I said "Heeeeellllll yeaaaaahhhh boooooooyyyyyyy!." Then Leroy busted out a nice version of one of the greatest songs of all time, Sitting on the Dock of the Bay. He had a backup dancer, he was engaging the crowd (me, Aaron, and this other guy who was standing next to us), and he had a good voice. That earned a few bucks from me, and some money from the guy next to us. Which leads me to my point here: There are a TON of homeless people out there right now, and a lot of us can't decide which to give money to/spit on (depending on your political affiliations). If homeless people would just do SOMETHING, I bet they would make way more money. Look, I don't want to sound cruel, but sitting there with a beard and a sign that says "Homeless Veteran Please Help" just doesn't do anything for anyone anymore. It's not that we're not sad that you're homeless, especially since you served your country in the military, it's just that we're not made of money either. It's like CDs. I'd love to buy every CD I want, but I don't have enough money. I'd love to give money to every homeless person, but then they'd have a couple bucks each and I'd be homeless too. So to all our homeless readers out there, find something you can do and do it. Draw a picture, sing a song, dance a little jig. I guarantee this will increase your revenue/decrease your spit-on quotient by a marked amount.

Leslie wanted me to mention that I was visiting her in Seattle in my last post and I didn't so I told her I'd mention her in this one, and I did. Seattle is a cool place if you ever get to go there. The Pike Market has a ton of amazing looking locally grown food. There's a microbrewery right there that's got some good beer and a great reuben. There are a TON of gay people of every gender, and a TON of homeless people who seem to be getting kind of aggressive about taking your money. And yes, there are a TON of coffee shops. And lots of Asians. However, I'm not sure I ever saw an Asian homosexual homeless person drinking coffee. So just like in high school, the cliques don't mix. Won't we ever learn?

I had a good post saved up in my brain for a while and I never wrote it. So this is what you got instead. Shazam!


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    :P seattle is waiting for you... still haven't made it to laser queen... come on now!!! lots of hugs!

  2. Re: the "Remember me" box, it could have something to do with the fact that Blogger is the most annoying blogging site I've stumbled upon. In this case, annoying = not user friendly.

    ...Although it's always remembered maybe it just has a certain prejudice against you. :\

  3. Leslie1:09 PM

    check your e-mail!!!
