Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Well, we've always been known for our mountains, our being fit (present company excluded), and our love for the good weed, but thanks to recent news we're finally getting to be known as the new haven for insane people. Yes, thanks to the terrorist arrest a little while back, and the balloon incident, Colorado should change its nickname from whatever its nickname is, to The Altitude Will Drive You Crazy. Literally!

Let it be known that playing through the medley at the end of Abbey Road in Beatles Rock Band is probably the best Rock Band moment of all the Rock Band moments. Thank God they realized that everyone was going to want to do that and didn't make us pick each song individually, only to play the little song snippets individually and be interrupted by cheering and loading every minute and a half.

The tickets have arrived for Lucero on the 27th. I'm super pumped, especially after Brian's description of the setlist. I am kind of shocked that they didn't play What Are You Willing to Lose, because that song would rock live, so we'll see if they play it here.

You know, I've harped on this recently, but if everyone would just stop watching reality shows, we wouldn't have entire families making elaborate hoaxes about little boys trapped in what looks to be a floating popcorn tin. We also wouldn't have to be subjected to John and Kate, and we wouldn't be rewarding the worst, most vile people in the world. Just something to think about. But seriously, what should happen to the Heenes? Should their kids be taken away? Should they be thrown in jail for six years? Should they just be fined $50 each, naughty little adults? Here's what I think should happen. Don't take their kids away. Fine them a nice middle of the road fine through the court, and then make them pay back the thousands and thousands of dollars that they caused rescue people to spend, airline delays, etc. That will probably make them lose their house, which is okay with me, because then they won't have anymore tin foil to make space ships out of, and they can live on the street for a while, because that's what you get for being miserable pieces of shit.

Here's what's going to happen instead. They're going to get the reality show they were trying to get attention for, make a ton of money, and thus the New American Dream will come true. Be as awful a person as you possibly can, and you'll get your own fucking TV show.

That said, why won't Dunkin Donuts let Des and me open a store in Colorado? A little Dunkin Donuts might help everyone here to be less crazy. If they'd just let us open one that's open 24 hours near DU, it would also help me become less poor. Everyone's a winner. Yet, Dunkin Donuts does not think that Colorado deserves donut stores. And they might be right. People here eat donuts for breakfast and that's it. Good luck finding a donut store that's open after 2pm. Fucking bizarre is what it is. You know what would be great at 1am after some serious drinking? A dozen donuts. And you know what would allow that to happen? Us, opening a Dunkin Donuts across the street from Denver University. Come on Dunkin Donuts! Hear my plea! Have mercy! You're telling me New York and Chicago need one on every street corner, but Colorado isn't allowed to have ONE? Imagine the distances people would travel for your famous iced coffee! There'd be caravans from Wyoming and Utah and New Mexico pulling up every day. Think about it, Mr. Dunkin, and Mr. Donuts, as I assume your names must be.

Alright fine. Let it snow, let it snow, let me open a Dunkin Donuts and make enough money to move to the tropics. Amen.

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