Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Oh yeah. Look at this. Sexy sexy. I went and looked at Cam's blog because he commented on mine and damn if it wasn't one sweet looking piece of work. So I was like hey man, I'm not going to let that Oregonian bastard outdo me, I'm going to make mine look all fancy too. So now this one's all fancy. It took a while to get everything right. For example, I was an idiot and forgot to copy the comment scripts before I deleted the old format, so I had to go find that. But you'll notice that now the comments are conveniently placed at the top of the entries instead of the bottom. Why is that convenient, you ask, when you're much more likely to want to comment at the end after you've read it as opposed to at the beginning when you have to scroll back up? I don't know, it looks better. Shut up, I was proud of myself. Also you'll notice my HTML genius at work in the sidebar because I created the "websitey goodness" and "friends" parts over there from scratch. Or I copied the HTML and edited it a bit. But we'll say I did it from scratch. Let me know what you think of the new look, not like I had any part in making it or anything. The last one was nice and simple but this one is nice and colorful. Sometimes you have to give up simplicity for colorfulnessitude.

Not much new since yesterday. Leslie was going through a hard time, a bunch of crap happened all at once. It sucks how that works. You're just driving along the road of life with no worries, and then instead of like a pebble bouncing up and hitting your windshield and bouncing off, a boulder falls on your car pinning you inside and causing a fifteen car pileup. Right. What that meant was that when stuff starts to go wrong it comes fast and hard. So I stayed up talking on the phone to her until 3 trying to take her mind off her troubles. Don't think it worked, but I think I helped some.

Today I turned in my applications and went to Best Buy and to no surprise they didn't have the CD I wanted. I have a feeling this will have to be a mailorder thing. I don't know where else to buy music out here since Media Play closed. I can't believe Media Play closed. It was kind of like Best Buy's retarded but much more friendly little brother. It was basically the same kind of store, but it had toys and comics and books and stuff. And it had a better underground selection than Best Buy. Plus it didn't have that same soul-sucking feeling that Best Buy has. That and Walmart, you walk inside and you can just feel the devil clawing at your soul, sucking the life right out of you. I don't know where any independent record stores are around here either. I figure there must be some since every time I go to the used store they have a lot of good punk stuff, and for these people to be selling these CDs they have to have bought them somewhere. And they sure as hell didn't buy them at Best Buy. So if I knew how to look for one I would. Because this Joey Cape/Tony Sly split is pretty much destined to be the best album of the year, unless that Against Me!/Lucero split comes out this year. That'll give it a run for its money.

Now I am going to go play videogames. I'm thinking I'll try for a minute to beat that crap level in Sonic, then maybe go over to BMX, and then when they've both successfully pissed me off I'll go get pissed at Metal Gear and then call it a day. I hope I get a job. Tomorrow I'll go back to Staples and ask again. The manager's name there is Malon. That's not of interest, that's just so I can remember who to ask for when I go in, because I forgot until it just popped into my head just now. Until we meet again, enjoy the new layout!

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