Monday, May 10, 2004

Woah, they changed the layout here. I may have to go and mess around with some stuff, since that's what I do in my spare time. Mess with stuff. Descriptive, I know. So there's a thing up there that says "Preview (ctrl+shift+p)." So I'm going to hit those three buttons and see if anyone dies. Woah, that was crazy. Basically all it did was take away the text box and make the font bigger. That's what I like to call completely useless. The old preview thing happened automatically when you finished writing, before you published, so you could read it over and make sure you didn't make any typos (you'll notice we don't take advantage of that feature). Huh. Well alright, this is offputting. I guess I'll just move on now.

So taking a final at 7AM is weak sauce. But taking a final at 7AM after going to bed around 3 is really weak sauce. Surprisingly enough I was coherent when I got up this morning, enough to make and eat cereal to attempt to give me a little energy, and then drive to and from campus without getting killed. Also, I think I did alright on my finals. I didn't know that many quotes on the Shakespeare one, but I did fine on the essay. And history it doesn't even matter how I did because I kicked ass so often early on in the class. I think I did solid, not great. But again, on 3 hours sleep the fact that I stayed awake is good enough for me. My mind sure was wandering a lot more than usual, though. Reading the questions required all of my concentration, as opposed to the portion of my concentration it usually takes.

So I know nobody cares, but I had another date with Leslie last night. It was just a sit at home and watch movies thing. She got up here at like 5:30 and left at about 2:45. How long is that... calculating... nine hours? Jesus. There's a lot of people I couldn't stand to hang out with for nine hours. My plan was to watch a couple movies and then go to bed around 10. The plan was also for Leslie to bring up these promised delicious burritos from some place in Greeley. But things don't always work out like planned. The burrito place was closed, apparently. Not a good start. So I made a sandwich. Then my grandparents called, and grandpa was like "Are you still staying at home every night? Don't you ever go out on dates?" So I said "Not really," even though I was technically on a date at the time. I just didn't want to hear any encouraging comments from my grandpa, I don't know why but that freaks me out a little. So as I said, I was going to go to bed at 10 after the second movie, but I was having a good time so we popped in a third movie. It ended at 11:30, and I could have gone to bed then, but then some shit went down and things happened, and next thing I know it's 2:45 and though I didn't want to go to bed, I realized that any less than three hours sleep might be fatal, so I had to. So... that went a lot better (or worse, for school) than I expected it to. It was the first time I've really felt wanted in forever. The three movies we watched were as follows:

Big Fish - Yeah, I saw it in theaters, but Leslie hadn't watched it, and it's a really good movie, so we did that first. That movie deserves an "A"

Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Leslie likes drag queens, apparently. So this was a movie about a drag queen in a rock band trying to find his/her missing half. There was kind of a lot of gayity in this movie, and I'm not completely sure what the hell happened for about 75% of it, but the music was surprisingly rockin. Maybe it was just the company, but I'll give it a "B"

A Mighty Wind - Christopher Guest's movies are so dry in the humor department. I'd seen like 30 minutes of this before and wasn't impressed. But I was watching it by myself that time and things are always better with other people around. So it was entertaining this time around. The music was horrid for the most part, but there was a good song in there. I'd say you should see it if you liked Guest's other movies, since it's the same thing he always does. "B-"

So now I'm done with school until Friday. I have to work tomorrow (Won't be bad, closing with Jayd, who's cool), Wednesday (Working with the bitch who always leaves early, but I'm only there till 7 or 8, so I can survive) and Thursday (Kill me. I work with this crazy Mexican girl until close. I don't think we'll both make it out of this alive). And then I have a myth final on Friday. Which will be a little hard because I've been thinking about what we've gone over in that class, and I draw basically a complete blank. That's not good. So I might study or I might just take a C and not give a shit (much more likely). Also, two people at work said they'd want to take a day from me, so I left them a note telling them to call me about it, and they never did. Not even Evan who I worked for once, so he owes me one. This is what happens when you do good things for people. You get fucked over. So screw you Evan, you pale, freckled excuse for a frat boy who keeps trying to get on Brynn even though she's not interested in you because you're a pale, freckled excuse for a frat boy.

I took a nap when I got home today. It was like 2 hours. I feel a little better now, but I don't think I'll be staying up until all hours of the night tonight. Also, I started three paragraphs in this entry with the word "So."

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