Monday, May 31, 2004

How the hell does the WB stay in business? It seems like what it does is it waits for other stations to come up with ideas for shows, then when their shows are over it makes cheap knockoffs. Take, for example, the WB show that's like American Idol. Let me research and see if I can find the name of it... Ah. The WB's Superstar USA. Right. So I watched the end of one of the episodes of that show because what I was watching was on commercials. I also watched the last episode of American Idol because I was trapped with my grandparents and had no other choice. American Idol, while I don't condone it at all, is at least a classy show. The people on it are attractive (hey, if you're going to be a pop star, that's all you need, honestly). The people on this WB show are... well, they're people who you'd imagine watching the WB. Kind of the cream of the crop of trailer trash. Not like the one toothed lady with a beer can in hand yelling at her twelve kids to stop playing in the trashcan, but like her weirdly hot daughter who you can still tell is white trash. And then they came out with this OC knockoff called like Summerland or something starring Lori Laughlin. And they promote it like she's not best known for being Uncle Jessie's girlfriend on Full House. I've never watched either of those shows, I just think it's odd that the WB shamelessly rips off these other trashy shows and makes them even worse. I did, however, like their Married With Children knockoff Unhappily Ever After. I think it had something to do with the puppet that lived in the basement, and Nikki Cox's breasts.

Yeah, I use commas too much, what, are, you going to do, about, it? See, when you read that last sentence it took like ten minutes because you kept pausing. I have that kind of power over you.

I started writing a new episode of our TV show today. It's not very good. But it's not very bad. It's medioCORE. Or like xmedioxcorex or something, whatever the punk kids do.

So Leslie should be coming out here July 17-20. Hooray. Your prayers were received by God and he said "it is good." And on the seventh day he rested. I went to church with Dad the other day. Yesterday maybe. I couldn't escape the feeling that I was peeking in on some secret cult meeting that I had no place observing. I liked the handshakes, everyone seemed very friendly. Plus the big room, while kind of creepy, was not very hot. I did not like... everything else. The clothes were pretty cool, and the deacon's bible was pretty impressive looking. But the songs were definitely not rockin, nor was the standing, sitting, standing, kneeling, standing, sitting. Nor was the listening. But now when I write anti-Christian diatribes, I can use personal experience. It wasn't that bad, they didn't kill any non-Christians, but it's definitely not something I'm looking to start doing on a regular basis. I was waiting for some kind of revelation, but instead I just ended up thinking "this raising the right hand is kind of Nazi-ish" and "Oh good, we're singing again."

I'm lonely. Nobody is here to talk to me right now. Brian is MIA, probably watching the West Wing or something. Leslie is... somewhere. Working, perhaps? No, she should be off. And home. Oh well. Pulley's rocking me out for now. It's either going to be Rancid or the split next. I could put on the Postal Service and dance, but my brother would complain. Meh. I'm out of stuff.

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