Wednesday, May 12, 2004

This figures. A girl finally likes me and I'm leaving for three months. The irony (or whatever the correct term is) is almost sickening. I seem to have a thing for older women. Could be because girls my age are sluts or boring or alcoholics or idiots or any number of bad adjectives. Trista was a whole 10 days older than me (whatever, it's older) and Leslie is 22 (why she's interested in a kid like me, I have no idea). I have a few things to say on the girl front, so if you're not interested, go ahead and skip down. So this is how things go down. Evan who I bitched about last time did call and say he could work for me. Of course he said he could work Tuesday, which is the day I actually didn't dread working. I thought about saying that he could suck it, but I said he could work for me since I figured it'd be nice to have a day off. Then I regretted it because I realized how boring it would be to have a day off. Then I remembered that there's this girl Leslie who I like and who likes me. And now let me back up (I'm bad at telling stories because I forget to give background info). So after Sunday's escapades I figured Leslie liked me but since I'm a clueless moron I didn't know how much. But then Monday she called me twice just to talk. Which I guess isn't that weird, but before Sunday she'd never done that. So... yeah. So maybe that's a sign of a relationship, maybe not, I don't know. Anyway, she calls on Monday to talk and I ask what she's doing on Tuesday since I now have the day off. And she says she's babysitting until 5 or so, so I say I can come down and hang out. Then I call on Tuesday to confirm, and she says I can go down or she can come up. Since she lives with little kids and parents I opted for her coming up here. So she got up here around 8:30 last night and left around 9 this morning. Right. She was basically falling asleep in my lap on the couch so I asked if she wanted to spend the night because I didn't want her driving home on no sleep. So she said yeah and I asked where she wanted to sleep and she said "close to you" (self esteem sent soaring consequently). So I suggested my bed, since the couch would be uncomfortable for two people to sleep on. This was the first time I've actually slept with anyone. Other than like my brother, and that's in a huge waterbed. So maybe it's easier to sleep with someone in bed with you if you've got something other than a twin sized bed. I got very little sleep. She had to get up at 8 to get to work, so that was one reason (I have no idea what time we actually settled down in bed), and also I never realized how hard it is to change sleeping positions. I sleep on my stomach with my hands up under my pillow usually. But we were sharing a pillow, and I had my arm around Leslie, so I wasn't free to sprawl out like usual. I'm not complaining really, I'm just saying if this becomes a regular thing I'm going to have to devise a plan to be able to sleep comfortably. In conclusion, the timing with this Leslie thing is awful which is just my luck, sleeping in the same bed with someone is difficult to get used to, and... I'm definitely enjoying this feeling of being wanted. This was sorely lacking in my last serious relationship.

Alright, to those of you who wisely avoided my talking about the girl situation, welcome back. I thought today would be a good day because I woke up with a half naked girl next to me, but (as is to be expected) things went downhill quick. After Leslie left I took a nap to try to regain some sleep (I don't take naps except days after Leslie's here, whatever that means) and then took a shower. So up until this point things were going fine. Then I got out of the shower and Charlie told me that bitch who always leaves early had called. I immediately knew she'd ask me to close and let her leave early tonight. I was right. I said yes because I was out of it. Since she took my schedule she was supposed to work from 3 to 7 or 8. She left around 6. Whore. There are few people who I can't find any redeeming qualities in, but that girl should just die. I really hate her. So already the day is going downhill. Then work was boring as shit because it was so slow. I felt like I was going to fall asleep because, again, I didn't get much sleep last night. Then I went out to walk to my car and I was like "Well this is really nice, it's cool and rainy." I was serious, I like rain. So I thought that and then it turned to snow. I don't like snow. Then I got to my car and my headlights aren't working again. So I turned the car off to attempt the infamous "restart it" trick. But it didn't start. I need to scrape off my fuses. So I sat there contemplating a murderous rampage, then opened the hood, decided I really didn't want to mess with my fuses in the parking lot in the dark in the snow, and tried one more time to start the car, and it started. Lights still didn't work so I drove home with my brights on. And that was my day. It started off at like a 12 on a scale to 10, then ended at like a 3. God likes to fuck with me.

I did get three new videogames recently. I traded a bunch of old ones in for Metal Gear Solid (way harder than I remember the original being), Dave Mirra 2 (way harder than Tony Hawk games) and Sonic Heroes (way different than any other Sonic game). I like them all, it'll be something to entertain myself with over the summer. Hopefully I can get a job in Georgia so I have something to do other than ponder the meaning of life. I just can't get over the bad timing with Leslie here. I don't like long distance relationships. Whatever. This is my life.

I'd like to formally apologize for turning this supposedly fun and entertaining journal into just updates on my life. But whatever.

If you read this, I'd like you to comment on it just so I know who reads this thing. You don't have to say anything, just leave your name, that'd be cool.

Finally, I'd like to wish my good friend Dave the best in the future. The bastard is graduating and moving to Texas in hopes of striking it rich mining coal. Or something completely different. Fact is Dave was the best damn RA on campus last year when we lived in the dorms, and he has continued to be a good friend of ours since we moved out. I don't know if I'll see you again before you go Dave, so good luck with all your future endeavors, we all wish you the best, and it's been a fun little run. Take it easy man. Come visit sometime, our house is your house. Not literally. Fin.

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