Time for the weekend update. And by "weekend," I really mean "Saturday," as that was the eventful day of the weekend. Started by going to see Bubble, a band that will occasionally perform as a Beatles cover band. They did the entire Sgt. Pepper's album straight through. Very awesome. They were also accompanied by a full band, which made numbers like "A Day in the Life" all that much better. After they finished Sgt. Pepper's, they performed six tracks off Magical Mystery Tour: "Strawberry Fields Forever," "Magical Mystery Tour," "The Fool on the Hill," "Penny Lane," "I Am the Walrus," and "All You Need is Love." It was a really neat show. And completely free, I might add.
After that, I read in Central Park for close to two hours. Then I met up with Janine, who showed me a cool Venezuelan restaurant called Caracas. They serve some great arepas, but the guacamole-based dip in their chips-and-dip is incredible. Seriously, the best dip I've ever had with chips. Then we washed it down with this sugary-lime concoction that was way more refreshing than Sprite will ever be.
Now to tackle a couple of previously discussed points, starting with the "hall of mirrors." This remains one of Spooky's favorite attractions in the apartment. I took some pictures, thus proving two things: 1)That he really does exist. And 2)That it really is "drippy, dude," as I so articulately stated. So yeah, trip out, man.

(Maybe you noticed I'm brushing my teeth while taking these pictures. Again, professionalism!)
Finally, yes, The Beatles: Rock Band. Amazing. I'll be picking it up and then going to class. That class will feel interminable. Then I will return to my apartment and bask in the glory that will be this game. It's too bad, Adam, that we have different consoles, as it'd be cool to play this co-op. Quick, the top 5 (er, let's make that 10. I had too much trouble with just 5) songs you're most excited to play:
1. Twist and Shout
2. Revolution
3. And Your Bird Can Sing
4. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
5. Octopus' Garden
6. Here Comes the Sun
7. Paperback Writer
8. With a Little Help from My Friends
9. I Feel Fine
10. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
And I'm psyched about the full-album downloads, but I hope Revolver comes out soon. As does Help!.
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