Friday, January 01, 2010

I have twenty minutes. In twenty minutes, I have to move my laundry from the washer to the dryer. So this'll be quick. (Wow, the first post of 2010 is off to an exciting start!)

I'm ready to call it: The first major fashion-travesty of 2010 goes to... Shania Twain. Did you happen to catch her performance shortly after midnight? I did, unfortunately. Now, I'm not exactly privy to all the intricacies of making an outfit aesthetically pleasing. I think that should be evident to anyone who's seen the way I dress. But I can definitely tell when an ensemble is absolutely awful. And I think, last night, Shania Twain was a perfect example of what not to wear. Ever. Especially around a group of children. These little kids were all sitting Indian-style (is that term un-PC, by the way?) on stage and she was prancing around in this atrocity of an outfit. I can't even describe it. So congratulations, Shania! Way to look relatively tramp-ish in front of innocent children! And within the first ten minutes of the new year, no less!

I'm about 35% OCD, and I have a new gadget to feed that compulsion: a pedometer. I've been keeping track of the number of steps and miles I walk each day. Why? Mostly out of curiosity. Especially when I walk around downtown. But it certainly lends itself well to obsessive record-keeping, that's for sure.

Almost time to switch out the laundry. Before I go: I've been reading Dance, Dance, Dance by Haruki Murakami. It's the sequel to A Wild Sheep Chase, which I read last semester. It's been okay, but I definitely like A Wild Sheep Chase better. The thing is, I feel a little weird carrying a book called Dance, Dance, Dance with me on the subway. I think it sends the wrong message, especially to people who don't know it's not at all about dancing. Which is to say, everyone.

All right, laundry. Happy new year! Hope you have a good one.

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