Tuesday, November 03, 2009

People need to get off Michael Vick’s ass. He wasn’t strangling dogs or cutting out their insides when they were alive. He provided a house in which his family and friends fought dogs. He didn’t run over anyone while drunk driving. He didn’t assault anyone. He didn’t get arrested for carrying ridiculous amounts of weapons into stupid places. But he served more jail time than anyone else in sports who did those things. If you think dogs have more value than people, you’re wrong and you may be retarded. You might want to get checked.

Speaking of which, I don’t think I’ve talked about how much I dislike militant vegetarians, or especially vegans. Let me start by saying that my mom is a vegetarian, and I know lots of people who are normal people who don’t eat meat because they don’t like it, they want to be healthier, or even they think killing animals for food is wrong. That’s all fine and good. What bothers me is when people who don’t eat meat judge people who do. Like there’s something unnatural about eating meat, even though any animal with sharp enough teeth does it. And they don’t do it in a nice, caring way, either. Generally they seem to run after the weakest animal they can find, rip out its throat while it’s still alive, and proceed to eat it while it lays there bleeding in the sun, abandoned by its loved ones, forgotten by history, its bloated rotting corpse stripped bare by predators, scavengers, and maggots. And yet, by eating meat, I’m somehow a bad person, when we raise these animals, feed them, love them, feed them, feed them, and then slice their heads off, carve them up, and eat them. I’m not saying it’s a great thing. Sure, it’d be fantastic if we could all live off of our own bodies and never have to eat anything that was alive. It would also be fantastic if we never had to sleep, if we all got along, and if no one ever wanted for anything.

I think my point is, while slaughtering animals for food isn’t pretty, what the hell else are we supposed to do? Lethally inject them? We can’t let them die of natural causes because nobody wants to eat nasty old animal meat. It seems like slaughtering them the way we do is more humane than the “natural” way that animals get eaten, as described so poetically above. Militant veggies do realize that animals all die anyway, right? Do they think that animals would live forever and grant us all serenity and happiness if only we would stop eating them? We need the nutrients that eating meat gives us if we want to be healthy. Plus, they’re fucking delicious! Bacon? Hamburgers? Bacon burgers? Chicken burgers with bacon? Turkey? Turkey bacon? It’s all so good. So, really, if you want to be a vegetarian, more power to you! But you’re never going to get people to stop eating meat. It’s too good, it’s too important, and most of all, I’m pretty sure that the Bible, which describes the absolutely, 100% true tales of the One True God and His Boy Jesus and Their Dog Astro, and is not to be read as a parable, but as a nonfiction account written by the Lord Himself on High, tells us we should eat animals. So, PETA, why do you hate God?

As far as what I did on Halloween, I can sum it up in one word: Nothing.

Des (who is now our third follower, let’s all give her a round of applause) burned me a CD by a band called The XX, and I’m digging it. I’m pretty sure it’s going to get played every night when I’m going to sleep for quite a while. I wouldn’t listen to it when I want to be energized, but there’s something nice about their little sound, though I feel like a lot of the songs cut off before they should. I guess I’d rather have that (I call it Neko Case Syndrome) than songs that go way over long.

Oh, and digital only releases are bullshit. I hate having to spend money on a computer file. You hear me, Audra Mae? Also, if you’re going to include a bonus track on a certain format, wouldn’t it make sense to include it on either the CD or the vinyl, and not the fucking ITunes? You hear me, Lawrence Arms? Lagwagon? And every other band that’s pulling this bullshit? If you want to reward people with a bonus track, which I assume is the point of a bonus track, shouldn’t you reward people who are still buying your music in physical format? Those of us who love you enough to want to hold your music in our hands, look at the cover art, read the liner notes, read the lyrics, etc? Instead of some faceless asshat who doesn’t give a shit? I guess I’m becoming the crazy old man who still types on a typewriter instead of a computer with this stuff, but it’s sad for me to see the way the music industry is going.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. [2:24:57 PM] Des: i completely disagree with your michael vick post

    [2:25:17 PM] Adam Jones: i notice that women tend to disagree with me and men tend to agree with me

    [2:26:02 PM] Des: this is the worst post by far
    [2:26:04 PM] Des: anger!!!!

    [2:26:20 PM] Adam Jones: ha ha

    [2:27:39 PM] Des: did you do any research on how michael vick treated those dogs before you wrote your little article?

    [2:27:51 PM] Adam Jones: i don't do any research on anything before i write anything

    [2:28:09 PM] Des: right, so therefore you are wrong and what you said is so invalid! he TORTURED those dogs.

    [2:28:32 PM] Adam Jones: he, with his own bare hands, while everyone else who didn't go to jail sat there and said "mike, that's just wrong"?

    [2:29:39 PM] Des: certainly there were other people in the wrong and they should have been jailed too, but to forgive and forget after a small stint in jail is too much to ask for. he can play football, do whatever the fuck he wants, but I dont have to like him. he's a murderer, and dogs to me are just as valuable as people are

    [2:31:10 PM] Adam Jones: no, you don't have to like him. i don't think he's a great person, i just don't think that he deserves to not play football, which is what a lot of people think. i think society's set up rules, if you break the rules and you pay your time, you get back out and you can live your life again. if everyone who went to jail had to be ostracized for the rest of their lives, and wasn't allowed to go back to work, what would be the point of having jails? why not just take everyone out back and shoot them?

    [2:32:00 PM] Des: karma will have its way with him

    [2:35:04 PM] Adam Jones: yeah. i never had any dogs or anything growing up, so i don't have the attachment to them a lot of people have. i would never try to say that it was anything other than terrible what he and all dog fighters do, but when i see a football player KILL A MAN DRIVING DRUNK and getting 90 days probation and nobody gives a shit that he plays football, it just makes me wonder

    [2:35:48 PM] Des: ya well thats not right. but just because you dont have any connection to animals doesn't make abuse ok.
    [2:36:35 PM] Des: and you probably have never looked into what they do to animals before slaughtering them, and if you had any idea what could be in the meat you're consuming you may change your views
    [2:36:59 PM] Des: i never tell you that you should be a vegetarian, but i expect that you respect my views and passions

    [2:38:25 PM] Adam Jones: i do respect it. i said in there it was cool if you want to be a vegetarian. i expect the same from vegetarians, and most of them understand, they make their choice, and i make mine. i was just watching something last night that had one of these guys who is totally militant that he's a vegetarian, and if you're not, you're a bad person, and that bothers me.

    [2:40:06 PM] Des: anytime you or anyone for that matter speaks about animals my defense immediately goes up

    [2:40:18 PM] Adam Jones: i know, you're a total animal person
    [2:41:53 PM] Adam Jones: my thing is that i respect whatever people want to do with their lives as long as they respect what i believe too. it has to work both ways for it to be fair.

    [2:42:39 PM] Des: k just dont talk shit about animals or I'll cut you

    [2:43:08 PM] Adam Jones: ha. alright. i got nothing against them i swear!

  3. Leslie3:39 PM

    i don't think you've reached crazy old man yet... but i love the rants. always did. also, i rocked out the neil diamond costume for halloween. i know you will appreciate that. anyhoo, i'll be home for christmas and all that jazz. call me soon?
