Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yo, Adam:

Who uses the word "yo" anymore? (This isn't really what I wanted to ask you.) Where ya been? I just wanted to check in and make sure there's still a co-author to this blog. Left entirely in my hands, this thing would probably contain too many of the following: Pauly Shore references, embedded asides (like that's not getting old. [Who didn't see that one coming? (Everyone saw it coming.)]), and long, strung-together-with-hyphens words. And no one wants that. So, what I've done is I've written a response you can copy, paste, then edit as either a comment or as a new post entirely.

(Begin copying here.)

Yo, Brian:

Whuzzuppppp???!1! I still use the word "yo," that's who. And I turned into a 14-year-old wanna-be-skater-douche. Readers will be able to tell I didn't write this response myself because of all those long, strung-together-with-hyphens words there. When did you pick up that habit, anyway?

Sorry I've been absent for a while. I've just been so busy (with work / being sick / in my wildly successful relationship with a cool, funny, attractive girl who doesn't already have a boyfriend for once). But I'll get back to the (old-man rants / discography analyzes / 14-year-old wanna-be-skater-douche rants) soon. Check it out, yo!!!!!!!!


(End copying here.)

Seriously, though, I hope everything's all right. Shoot me an email or something.

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