Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fucking Colorado fucking snow in fucking late-middle September.

Here's a conversation from work today:

[2:37:02 PM] Kelly: wow, here's a new profession: Laser hair removal technician

[2:38:46 PM] Adam Jones: does laser hair removal make the hair blow up? that sounds pretty cool

[2:39:37 PM] Kelly: that would be cool

[2:39:45 PM] Kelly: but no, it doesn't

[2:40:49 PM] Kelly: oh man if it was like that space ship game from the 80s/early 90s where it beeped with every move and had a lame blowing up noise when you shot an alien space ship....THAT would be awesome

[2:43:11 PM] Adam Jones: yeah it would. i'd have some serious hairs removed laserly if that were the case

[2:43:49 PM] Kelly: i would just be a laser hair technician cuz then you get to work the machine that makes those noises

[2:44:07 PM] Kelly: besides i wouldn't want to remove more hair if i were you

[2:45:22 PM] Adam Jones: it'd be cool if your removed the hairs by playing that game. like your computer showed a space ship and you just moved left and right shooting hairs off of people

[2:45:32 PM] Adam Jones: that'd be cool unless it was ass hair, then it would be gross

[2:46:36 PM] Kelly: "captain, there is a dark crater approaching, i fear for our lives and WHAT is that smell?"

[2:46:52 PM] Kelly: that's a conversation between the little people who would be in the ship

[2:47:36 PM] Adam Jones: ha gross. butts are gross.

[2:47:47 PM] Kelly: butts are gross

[2:47:58 PM] Adam Jones: that was fucking enlightening conversation

[2:49:17 PM] Kelly: best one i've had all day

I hope you're all as amused by these as I am. Hey, any of you loyal readers have Skype? You should let me know because I am always looking for more people to have stupid conversations with at work.

Sunday I fly back to good ol' Bisbee, AZ. Don't worry, there won't be another travelogue or whatever. I think I pretty much covered it all last time I was there. Plus, pictures of me only serve to remind me of how much weight I need to lose.

I have started writing the novel that will define my life and give meaning to a generation of lost souls. I will probably get about one and a half pages of it written before I give up on it, because that's usually how these generation-defining novels I write go. But I'm actually working up a loose outline, hitting some plot points, defining a cast of characters, etc. so maybe this one will make it to a recently-unheard-of three pages.

If anyone has a good way for me to make a million dollars quickly, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll talk to you next time.

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