Thursday, December 23, 2004

Here's something that troubles me: On IMDB's Top 250 movies as voted by their users, all three Lord of the Rings movies make it in the top 10. Ok, now, admittedly it's my own fault for seeing the third movie without knowing anything about the other two, but still. Was it visually impressive? Sure. Was it entertaining? Why not. Was it so great it belongs among the top 10 movies of all time? Doubtful. I mean, how can those three movies beat out such awesome films as The Usual Suspects, Rear Window, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Dr. Strangelove, Memento, American Beauty, and a slew of others? I don't get it. However, if there's one thing I do like on that list, it's Citizen Kane not making the top 10 by a hair. I understand its importance, but if you make me watch that movie one more time, I'll projectile vomit on your face, Exorcist style. Like that? A movie joke when I'm talking about movies... Yeah, no one cares.

Here's something else that troubles me: The Old Navy commercial(s) where they take a well known and highly despised Christmas carol and change the words to fit whatever it is they're trying to sell. Old Navy has really done a great job producing commercials that make me want to chuck the TV out the window whenever one of their spots comes on. Remember that one from last summer, or two summers ago, with the ultra-buff surfer guy saying, "Toes on the nose, bro!" Yeah, that's a good enough excuse to execute the genius who came up with that lovely line.

I'm really not feeling that Scrooge-ish or anything, but that commercial makes me think bad thoughts about the holiday season. So, for the record, I'm not really that humbuggish.

Adam's birthday is today/tomorrow/last week, depending on when you're reading this. So let's all take a moment to, with fancy font techniques, wish him a Happy Birthday. That looks way too girly, but I don't care enough to change it. And, much like the nice message he ended with in his last entry (creating a nice contrast with my curmudgeonly entry), I'd like to wish the fine people I know a wonderful holiday season and a great new year. If you read this, then you fall under that category. And if you don't read this, then you're none the wiser, so I won't have to mention you anyway, jackass.

I went to the dentist yesterday. That's always a pleasant and enjoyable experience, huh? So they told me I have a cavity (albeit a very, very small one) on my back molar. What's up with this? I brush my teeth at least twice a day (and for a very long time) and I floss! I floss, damn it! Shouldn't that count for anything? But I guess not. A cavity is my punishment. Figures. Moral of the story: Don't floss, it doesn't account for shit. I guess I can grow up to be that 5th dentist, then. The one, just to spite statistics, that refuses to go with the consensus.

In other news, today we finally broke free from the shackles of a dial-up modem and converted to Verizon DSL. It's great. And my soul feels healed from not having to rely on AOL any longer. I think I might just be a better person from here on out. Now, don't go thinking these crazy thoughts like "Oh, that means he'll be able to update this thing more often!" or anything, since that's just not happening. But hey, who knows. Stranger things have happened.

It's winter break and that means no reading for me. Well, that's not true, since I've been reading America: The Book by Jon Stewart and the other funny and intelligent writers of The Daily Show. It's hilarious, as if "by Jon Stewart and the other funny and intelligent writers of The Daily Show" wasn't a give-away. Highly recommended, so pick it up you hooligans.

All right, I think I've wasted enough of everyone's time. But before I go, let me leave you with these words: This is a time to be happy. We're all discouraged, we're all fed-up, we're all tired of something, but hey, let's forget about that for a little while. It's going to be 2005 soon. 2005. How crazy is that? Remember all the Y2K hype? Remember the excitement that came along with the approach of the first palindromatic year of the millennium? Remember how we all looked forward to 2004 with hopes that we'd be able to evict that moron Bush out of office by the end of the year? Well, that's all past. It's done. Let's bury our defeat with the other days and weeks and months and years we've already catalogued. This is a new chapter, and it's labeled "All The Things You Could Want... And Then Some." And it's opening at a theater near you. Check it out sometime.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I'm going home today and to Georgia tomorrow. I'll be back on January 2, so after that date, you, dear reader, and I, enlightened writer, should hang out. My birthday is December 23, so when I come back I'll actually be able to go places with those of my friends who are older than me (basically everyone I know except Eric and Charlie).

Monday I had this class party for my creative writing class, which I expected to suck, but turned out to be pretty fun. I didn't do anything to alter my mind, but I did like hanging out with the folks (most of them) from that class. There's some interesting characters in there. It makes me wish I'd tried talking to some of them earlier. Oh well. Caleb is graduating on Saturday, so happy graduation to him. Max and Justin and Kate and Brooke and Melissa, I guess I'll see you guys next semester at some point.

Me and Leslie (yes, that's right, me and Leslie) played dominoes with Caleb and a couple of his friends last night. I don't think I've ever actually played dominoes, but it was pretty fun. It was hard to think for various reasons, such as it being ridiculously late, but I won. Because I am the master of cards (except for that I never win) and dominoes is basically like a card game. Good stuff. Maybe I'll ask for some dominoes for my birthday or Christmas, and teach everyone how to play.

I won this contest, the "Fan of the Week" contest, at Suburban Home Records. So if you go to this week and click the "Fan of the Week" button at the top of the page, you can see me. I won a CD of my choice, and I chose the new Laymen Terms album, which is really really good. Their last full length, "Since Last December" was a good album,but the new one, "Drive to Nowhere: Verity's Novel" expands on it in just about every way. It's good stuff, believe you me. I also got the new Suburban Home Distro compilation CD. I don't know if anyone cares, but Suburban Home is a local record label with five bands on their roster, and they put out a bunch of stuff from other labels. So if you're at all into supporting music instead of big corporations, I'd really suggest you check out some bands on their label (The Gamits [catchy fun punk], Laymen Terms [excellent guitar driven rock], Love Me Destroyer [harder but still catchy rock], The Aeffect [interesting techno pop stuff]) or check out their distro catalog (Alkaline Trio, Against Me!, among others) and order some stuff from them. It gets to us here in Colorado in a day or so, and across the country in a week or two. And it's all really reasonably priced. So that's my spiel.

School and work are over for the semester. Thank Jove for that. I should be getting about all B's, because that's the amount of effort I put out this semester. That doesn't bother me at all. On a positive note about work, my good friend from last semester, Mackenzie, is coming back to Subway next semester. Hopefully she works with me because I enjoy her hateful attitude towards everyone, because I'm like that. It's a pessimism filled hate fest when we work together, and it makes things more bearable. On the negative side, my clothes smell like Subway and I want to vomit.

I sold my books back for some money. I went twice because I had a ton of books and I didn't want to see that "I'm going to kill you" look in the bookstore guy's eye. Last time I went I took all my books at once and the guy seriously looked like he could attack me at any second. So I was supposed to get a coupon for a free burrito for selling 75 bucks worth of books, but the first day I didn't get one even though I sold 90 bucks. The second day I only sold 72 bucks or so, but I got one because I flirted with the gay guy working there. I must be damn sexy in my contacts, which I wear on almost a daily basis now. I don't wear them on days when I sleep too late and have to get somewhere, because I'm still not all that quick about getting them on (5-10 minutes seems to be the norm). And getting them off is a debacle indeed. But I do like them better than glasses once they're in, because there's no weight on the nose, and there's no outline where I can't see. Now I just need to wait another couple months to get my supply refilled with the right prescription.

Happy Birthday to Trista, who turned 21 on December 10.

And happy holidays to the following people, and absolutely no one else: Leslie, Brian, Mom, Dad, Aaron, Afton, Grandma, Grandpa, Mary Beth, Janet, Kirsten, Alysia, Clay, Jeremy, Diane, Liz, Todd, Cam, Eric, Charlie, Carolina, Trista, Caleb, Michelle, Brooke, Max, Justin, the rest of my family, Brian's family, Leslie's family, and the guys who make South Park and Drawn Together.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

I think if you took a poll of hair length related to what level a person is in college, you'd find that freshmen have the longest hair on average. I think this is because they're all "free" now that they're not at home and they don't have to cut their hair. They also have a little strut to their walk that goes away after freshman year when they realize that nobody thinks they're cool. This is my freshmen observation of the day.

So I'd appreciate it if this ice would melt on the sidewalks because I'm sick of looking like an ass almost falling down.

I got the foam thing for my bed yesterday and I put it on today and tonight should be comfortable.

Last night I went down to Greeley (where it smells strongly of ass) to hang out with Leslie and her friend Heather. We played Mario vs Donkey Kong at Borders until Heather got off, then went back to her house and ordered pizza and played Simpsons Life, which is Life, basically. I lost pretty bad. I only had 800,000 bucks at the end. Leslie won with like 1.16 million dollars. At this point in my life, losing the game of Life that bad was pretty depressing. It's just a board game, though, right?

I did my presentation on Saul Williams last week. It went fine. Thanks for your concern. People laughed, and I'm fairly sure it was with me and not at me, so that's always good.

Tomorrow is a homework day. Which means I'll find any excuse to not do homework. I only have a week of school left, you'd think I could muster up some enthusiasm for the last week, but no. I did write a paper today, though. It's solid B work, which is all I can handle right now because I hate all things English at this point in my education. At least I don't have any finals.

Tomorrow night is the Subway Christmas party. Every time I show up to work people ask if I'm going to the party. I might go, except for one thing. It's at Subway. But who knows, even though I checked the "No, I ain't coming to your party" box on the sign up form, I might go make a cameo. There's supposed to be some cake. Plus all my adoring fans at work would like to see me. But it's at Subway. And I hate that place. Meh. Cake.

You ever get the feeling that something's missing in your life, but you don't know what? That's a weird little feeling.

I watched the Eternal Sunshine commentary tonight. It was pretty weak. But I watched the movie anyway and it's still one of my all-time favorites. Which means when I make my parents watch it they won't get it, but whatever.

Leslie's supposed to come up tomorrow after she works. She IMed me while I was watching the movie and told me I could come down to Heather's house again tonight, but it's too late now. And I'm retarded and deleted the IM with Heather's phone number in it. So... yeah. My bad. I feel bad now. So... yeah. I think that's all.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

So that was Thanksgiving. Good food. I think the pumpkin pie was a little much, but yeah. That's the point of Thanksgiving, is to eat a lot, right? To give thanks? What? Yeah... no. So we had the usual couple over for Thanksgiving and it turns out they agree with me on the movies I like. So my mom and Ed have bad taste, not me. I knew it all along.

My Jade Tree order came over the break. I now own the two CDs Denali put out, and I can tell you that if you like ambient, female fronted rock, you should totally get those. This girl's voice is out of this world, it's the band's best instrument. The lyrics are pretty weak, but if you're just listening to Maura Davis sing, sexy stuff. And she's easy on the eyes. But Denali broke up, so I'll never get to see them in concert, which sucks. I bet they were really good live. But Maura's in another band just starting so maybe they'll tour and I can go check out her pipes live. I also got Kid Dynamite's b-sides album which is good stuff. 30 songs in 48 minutes, that's how you know it's a punk band. And I got Me First and the Gimme Gimmes' "Jackson" 7", which I can't listen to because I don't have a record player anymore, but I'll find one and rock out. I got it because I love that band, because it was like 3 bucks, and because it has an unreleased track on it. And because it's limited pressing. Hells yes. Now I'm waiting on my Fat order so I can watch the Against Me! DVD, and my No Idea order so I can rock the fuck out for months. Drag the River also came out with a new EP which came right before break, and it took a while for it to grow on me but I like it now. Jon's songs are awesome, Chad's are... less awesome. Anyway.

Leslie spent the break in Ohio visiting her dad. She hadn't seen him in 4 years and they hadn't been in good standing with one another since he left her mom, but it sounds like they worked things out and they both had a good cry before she left. That's good, I like it when kids get along with their dads, because I get along with mine and I think dads are good people. Especially since one day I might be a dad, and I want my kids to like me.

So Leslie and I spent a couple days together after she got back and it was good time. Relationship problems are officially over. Huzzah.

I watched a bunch of movies over the break. I saw About Schmidt (okay), Something's Gotta Give (pretty good), Darkness Falls (stupid), 21 Grams (pretty good, but also kind of slow), Dawn of the Dead (stupid), Saving Grace (okay), and the third Harry Potter (confusing, either the best or the worst in the series, I can't decide). I totally just copied that from an IM with Brian. I'm lazy. Then I watched Mulholland Drive again, which I really didn't like this time, except for the lesbian scenes which were... uh... artistically done and totally integral to the plot. Right. And the third Lord of the Rings, which is amazing even on the third watch. I need to get all three extended editions.

So Christmas is apparently coming because you can't go anywhere without hearing that godawful music. Leslie and I went out to eat Mexican yesterday and they were playing Christmas music. A month of this shit will drive me insane. My family hates Christmas music. There's some stuff I don't mind, but all this cheer really pisses me off.

Speaking of Christmas, I don't know what I want. The usual TV show DVDs, yeah, and a couple games, but what else? And what the hell do I get Leslie? I need to write my ideas down because I keep coming up with them and forgetting. She says I don't need to buy her anything, but she also says she's buying me stuff. So like Cam and I have discussed, I do need to buy her stuff. That's how it works. So nobody else get me anything, except my family.

My bed has a new comforter, so if anyone wants to come sleep with me (that means you, Eric), you're more than welcome.

And finally, ", said the shotgun to the head" by Saul Williams, is an amazing poem. I'd like one of his CDs because I bet they're good. I don't want to look like an artsy fag because I like this poem about goddess religions, but it's just plain awesome, if you sit down and really read it closely. I need to do that with "She" because I'm starting to see what Leslie sees in this guy. You should all go read "shotgun." Okay.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

"I have always derived great comfort from William Shakespeare. After a depressing visit to the mirror or an unkind word from a girlfriend or an incredulous stare in the street, I say to myself: 'Well. Shakespeare looked like shit.' It works wonders."

That quote is from Martin Amis' book "Money." If you like dry, dark humor, that book's for you. If you do not enjoy dry, dark humor, but instead like boring things about boring people (say, professors doing research to piece together the lives of 19th century poets), then A.S. Byatt's "Possession" is right down your alley. 555 pages of dull, boring, pointless pain, that's what it is. Out of the 555 pages, there's one line (15 words) that I find worthwhile. And that line is this: "We are defined by the lines we choose to cross or to be confined by." Good stuff. Too bad the rest of the book isn't as good.

I feel like I'm doing the recommended book thing at the end of an episode of Reading Rainbow. I remember watching that show in second grade. Man, those were the days. Back when all the work I had to do was write out some definitions for vocabulary words, do a few subtraction problems, and maybe practice my cursive. In second grade I also remember laughing very hard at a kid who had to give the plural of "foot" and proudly proclaimed "foots!"

I want to write prose again. I think taking a semester of creative writing poetry makes me realize I can't really write poetry all that well. I mean, I can do it okay, but not consistently great. It's hard. So I think short stories is the route for me. Or dialogue. Dialogue is also really hard to write, but when it's done well it is one of the most impressive things I can think of... Yeah, no one cares about the varying difficulties of different forms of writing, but whatever. This is what I think about.

Speaking of poetry, I guess I'll share the best poem I've written in that class all semester. I've got a couple assignments left, but I doubt I'll be able to top this. Comments/criticism are welcome, as I'd like to make it as polished as I can before I turn it in at the end of the semester. Ok, here goes:


"Poetry is oral; it is not words, but words performed the real poem is not the scratches on the paper, but the sounds those scratches stand for." - Judson Jerome

I don't do sound.
So if you think you've found
a deep-sea treasure trove of trinkets made sweeter
by lyrical yearning or genius in meter,
scratch that mindset with some matches,
trace the ink until it catches
and, burning, sinks the following pages.
Also: I don't make up words,
(no matter what you've heard)
or have the five stages of dying entwound in lines 22-24.
So hydratize that puerile idea
until it drowns. It's senile.
And you won't find me using
ostentatious or erudite language.
The bind of my thesaurus isn't losing
its trite, unbroken, and languid spine.
Not every word is planned out,
picked to fit the perfect (or imperfect) rhyme,
because I won't sacrifice message for sound.
I've never done it before, and I won't this time
(like the unyielding yells of trains in this town).
And I'd be in denial if I filed these statements under "anger."
Because I love bargaining depression for a feeling from strangers
that borderlines acceptance.
It's worth sorting through the whine and grime of
allusions to the ocean,
a simile entangled with personification,
or clumsy syntax mixed with the max of self-deprecation.
So consider this your final warning:
I'm no good at anything but free verse.
I won't sacrifice message for sound -- you'll see.
Just watch me.

Ta da. So I'm proud of that one. I also spent a lot of time on it, getting all the sounds to work, so it was nice when the whole thing finally came together like that. I'm sure there's something behind that formula (working hard on something = a good product), but I choose to not acknowledge it.

You know what I love? Listening to an old CD you haven't listened to in a long time and discovering that it's just as good as you remembered it. That's such a nice feeling. And also reminded me that I haven't done a Top 10 list of CDs in a while, so why don't I take a stab at that again. So, as of 11/20/04, here is my list of...

Top 10 Punk/Indie CDs
1. Bad Astronaut - Houston, We Have A Drinking Problem
2. The Weakerthans - Left and Leaving
3. Lagwagon - Let's Talk About Feelings
4. Rise Against - Revolutions Per Minute
5. Elliott Smith - XO
6. Osker - Idle Will Kill
7. The Lawrence Arms - Apathy and Exhaustion
8. Junction 18 - This Vicious Cycle
9. Alkaline Trio - Maybe I'll Catch Fire
10. Millencolin - Pennybridge Pioneers

The top 5 are solid, the bottom 5 you can shuffle around however you like. But the bottom line is: if you don't have those 10 records, you should.

Peanut butter crackers are my new snack of choice. Not the cheese crackers with peanut, just normal crackers with peanut butter. Yeah, it's probably got partially hydrogenated whatever in it, but, honestly, what doesn't these days? Besides, it's not like that's going to be the one thing that kills me. Sure, if I continue to eat huge doses of partially hydrogenated junk, then that's no good, but for now, I think I'll be okay. I'm much more concerned with the sexism, racism, and homophobia that seems to preoccupy the moral elite in the south and midwest. Since they're the experts on the subject, right? That reminds me: Go here and laugh.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Brian wrote something in here today too, so in order to not have him shut out, go down and read his entry.

Bjork's Medulla CD is weird stuff, but I'm in the mood for it right now. Things are weird.

There was an awesome concert last night that you should have gone to, but you were too busy with other things, like being a loser. If anyone knows how to find anything about this guitar rock band that played called Red Cloud, let me know, because I'd like to hear some recorded stuff by them, if possible. Drag the River was good as always, and Lucero played a hell of a show. They decided to just keep playing what people wanted, then the band left and the singer played three solo songs that were all really awesome. Thursday is the Dwarves. I think I'm going to go to that. Saturday is Strung Out in Denver, if anyone wants to go to that.

Raymond Carver. Everyone should write that name down and go to a bookstore and buy a collection of his short stories. I'm reading "Will you please by quiet, please?" for class and the stories in there are fantastic. They're all just a little off, the endings don't wrap anything up, but at the same time you're like "wow, that was an enjoyable story."

Just so everyone can stop worrying, Leslie and I had a rough week, but things are on the mend. We were just getting upset about stupid stuff (I was, anyway, she had reason to be upset with me), nothing that's relationship ending, and we've made our way through the sludge and are doing better. She's leaving for Cincinatti (I don't think I spelled that right) on Saturday to see her dad for the first time in about four years, so I say we all wish her a good trip. She's scared and excited to see him again, since she loves him but they don't get along very well. So I for one hope she has a good week.

This semester has flown by. I think I'm pulling about straight B's. This is because I haven't paid attention this semester, really. My bad. I don't care, either, though. I've talked to a few people about it, and I'm just done with this. Essay writing can only take you so far until it bores the shit out of you and you just want to be done and never write anything again.

Icelandic is an interesting sounding language. Bjork's serenading me in it right now. I remember reading the book for lyrics to this song and seeing it written and thinking boy, I like languages. How do you learn to be like an Icelandic/English translator? Who speaks Icelandic, other than people from Iceland?

Waxwing. I bought that CD, "Nobody Can Take What Everybody Owns" a long time ago, then I listened to it a week ago playing Grandia and damn if it isn't a really good album. There's a couple songs on there that just blow me away. Rocky Votolato (singer) used to come play solo shows here all the time it seems like, then I found out about him, and now he's staying away. Damn you, Rocky.

I don't know, it really seems like I had something to say earlier, but I forgot. I had a turkey sandwich, a ham and cheese Michelena's Hot Sub, some cheetos, and a bagel for dinner. Lots of carbs. I want to turn into bread, so I'm eating as many carbs as I can.

I'm tired of reading.

I got interviewed by a high school girl for her school's newspaper regarding stereotypes because she read an article on the site. So I think we're about to become celebrities. You'll be able to say us way back when. Autographs are temporarily on sale for only five bucks.

I just had a great idea. Dillinger Escape Plan. Goodbye.
So I was gonna write some lengthy angry political tirade shortly after the election, but then Adam beat me to it. And then I got caught up in reading. And then I got caught up in research for papers. And then I stopped caring. So, in case you were wondering what my thoughts are about the election (as if you couldn't guess): it sucks. People are dumb fucks. We're screwed. I don't even want to think of what that man will do with this country in four more years. We've taken 28 giant steps backward instead of 2 small ones forward. We're doomed.

But this entry isn't meant to be depressing, so let's get off that topic and move on to... uh... I've got nothing. As always, I have no idea what to talk about.

Last week I read Edward Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf." If you haven't read it, you should. It's good. You'll be thinking, "what the hell is going on?" for the first hundred pages or so, but it all starts coming together at the end and is very awesome. On a side note: if you haven't heard anything by the band Murder By Death, head on over here and download the track "I'm Afraid of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf." Actually kind of goes along with the play, but it's an amazing song just on its own.

Speaking of my theater survey course, the next play I have to read is called "Buried Child" by Sam Shepard. And the cover of the book is Sam Shepard (I presume) giving this sort of scowl, sort of "what, you want a piece of me or something?" look, and it's really intimidating. Or creepy. Something like that. Regardless, it's not quite the same as looking at Marlon Brando's bare chest on the cover of "A Streetcar Named Desire."

So I can't believe it's November 15th already. This semester has gone by so incredibly fast... I feel like it's been a month, maybe a month and a half, but not three. What's even crazier, though, is going to your local grocery store and being attacked unexpectedly by Christmas carols on the radio. This is not cool. I'm not ready for this yet. It's not even Thanksgiving yet, Mr. DJ! Why don't you hold off on those same 10 songs we've heard a thousand times before for a couple more weeks? Could you do that for me, just this once? I'd appreciate it. I mean, honestly, the least they could do is wait until it's December, at least. Whatever.

Speaking of grocery shopping, there's really nothing more humbling than being insulted by the cashier at a Harrisonburg Kroger. Jesse's buying one yogurt to make a smoothie, and the cashier, while she's ringing up the yogurt, says, "Only one yogurt? You're weird." Then, to cover this, she asks if we're freshmen. One explanation of how we're juniors later, she retorts with, "You don't look that old." I went to Kroger to get food, not to be reminded how young I look. So thanks, cashier at Kroger. Keep up the great work. That's Harrisonbrug for ya.

I've had this discussion with a few people already, so I figured I'd throw it out here for the rest of you (2 additional people) to discuss as well: There's a bunch of 90's alternative that I probably shouldn't still like, but I do. For instance, the Goo Goo Dolls. I don't know what it is about them, but I still really like their songs. Especially their radio songs. They had some good hits. Better Than Ezra is another great 90s alternative band. Bush. Live. Fuel. Green Day. (some) Third Eye Blind (pre-Blue album). Counting Crows. Semisonic. Weezer. Alanis Morisette. Our Lady Peace. Blink 182. Foo Fighters. Sublime. Eve 6. Splender. Gin Blossoms. Smashing Pumpkins. Ben Folds Five. Radiohead. The Offspring. Everclear. Stroke 9. All of those bands had radio songs from the 90's that I liked and still do. So good job to them, I guess.

Adam's turning 21 soon. That means I'm turning 21 not so soon, but not too much longer either. 5 months to the day, actually. Crazy. I'm getting that feeling you always get when you're about to become a year older. We're getting old. Not really.

All right, that's enough rambling for now. Go listen to some great 90's alternative, reminisce, and be happy.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Hey, Karo reads this now and I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty sweet.

One more trip back to the political: I was in poetry class talking to these two girls who voted republican in the election, and it turns out they had no idea that 11 states banned gay marriage/civil unions on election night. So maybe we're not as informed a population as I thought we were. Bush has successfully convinced people that the war is the only issue we should be concerned about. The whole loss of freedom in this country should be overlooked because we're at war. And hey, it worked. Yay Bush!

Okay, seriously, are you getting as tired of me as I am, talking about politics all the time? Me too. I just confused myself.

I totally forgot that the new Ted Leo + The Pharmacists album came out. Basically because punknews didn't review it. Then I saw a review today and I was like hells yeah, I should go get that. So I went down the Finest and it wasn't in the new release rack, so I was like you know what, the Finest blows. Because I get like that whenever they don't have what I want. Then I looked in the real part in the T's, then the L's, and there it was for 6 bucks. So that was cool. What wasn't cool was that they didn't have the new Against Me! DVD, so I had to mailorder that. So since I was mailordering one thing I decided to spend about 150 bucks on music through the mail. Whatever. I can make that back in a week and a half of work. This is what happens when life gets boring: I have to buy music. Or games, but Metroid Prime 2 isn't out yet, and Resident Evil 4 won't be out until next year. So music it is.

I also think that relationship problems had something to do with me dropping all the money on music. Not that I want to bore everyone ("everyone" seems like a haughty word for the three people who read this) with my personal life, but... I do. But my CD ended, so I have to go put Lucero in. Hold up. Alright. I tell you what, your life starts getting you down, you put some Lucero on, and everything gets better. Also, if you ever have to drive anywhere, take any Lucero CD with you and you won't even notice the trip. They're here on Sunday at the Aggie, I just realized, so we should totally go to that (Cam, Charlie, Eric). Lucero and Drag the River. Ridiculous. RIDICULOUS! We have to go, that's all there is to it. Then next Saturday is Strung Out. Man, all of a sudden things seem okay. And holy shit, look at this, next... Thursday is the Dwarves, up here in Fort Collins. Sweet. And look, December 11 Matson Jones is playing. Nice.
I heard the owner of the Starlight overdosed. That place was awesome but they don't really do anything there anymore. That's sad. Their website isn't even up anymore, really.

I do all my homework for the week in advance now, and it's okay because it's a lot less stressful, but it's also boring. I have almost beaten Grandia 2 at this point, and I've really enjoyed it. For being years old, it's a pretty good looking game. The story is okay. But the battle system rocks the house, man. It's like the first RPG I've played that I actually look forward to battles.

Leslie let me borrow some Saul Williams books because I have to do a presentation on a poet. He's pretty cool. I hear Brian saw him perform in New York. Leslie now wants to kill Brian. She'll do it, too. Some of his poetry doesn't do it for me, but some of it is really cool. And the title of his third book is ", said the shotgun to the head" and that's a sweet ass title.

I'm stoked about all this live music coming. I'm sure I'll be going to a few/all of those shows by myself, but whatever. I would appreciate company, so let me remind everyone: Drag the River/Lucero at the Aggie on Sunday at 9, 8 bucks. The Dwarves at the Aggie next Thursday, 10 bucks. Strung Out on the 20th (my brother's birthday, maybe I'll take him) in Denver. And Matson Jones is in December, so I'll keep you posted on that. And with that, I think I'm going to go engage in some illegal activity at Eric and John's. Because that's what I do.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

"Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." -The American Declaration of Independence

Allow me to, now that I've cooled off some, explain in clear, concise language why I have such a problem with the fact that Bush got reelected. I don't like Bush. He has lied to the American people straightfaced, he has tried to cover up his mistakes by fighting against a 9/11 commission that would show the Iraq war as unjustified. But the fact that I don't like Bush is not why I'm upset. I'm upset at the American people, the 51% of our country, who voted the man back in. Because essentially what they said on November 2, 2004, is that "we as a country not only accept the fact that you've done these things, but we endorse them, we encourage them, and we want them to continue for four more years." What's worse than one person doing bad things? A country full of people patting that person on the back.

In the next four years we will lose our freedom in this country. Right now it's gay people and women. Gays in 11 states lost the right to marry, and in many of those states lost the right to even have civil unions. With Bush at the helm for four more years, this trend will continue, and by the end of his term he will have forced his religious beliefs on all of us, and gay marriage will be outlawed. Women will lose the right to govern their own bodies. While it's unlikely that Roe v Wade will be overturned completely, it's extremely likely that abortion will be more and more restricted. What this will cause is a decline in the abortion rate, yes, but also an increase in the suicide/death rate from back alley, coathanger abortions. In a country that I thought was founded on freedom, I see this as an affront to the Constitution. We are becoming the country that we ran from when we split from England.

Science which could cure many up to now incurable diseases will be halted because of some sick religious opposition to it. Science and religion are opposite ends of the spectrum of human existence. Despite what some people have tried to prove, there is no correlation between the two. So we must choose: do we move forward as a country, as a species, and accept science, or do we stay where we are, afraid of change, afraid that some invisible man in the sky will condemn us to some invisible place under the earth where it's very hot for eternity? The time for organized religion has come and gone. There may well be a God. There is no place on this earth for the hatred, xenophobia, homophobia, racism, and ass-backwards thought that comes with religion. It was a noble idea. But so was communism. So were so many other ideas that humans thought up, then proceeded to fuck up. But here in America, the greatest country in the world, the last superpower, we're drifting dangerously close to a theocracy. The church must stay completely away from the state. Or what's next? The Christian majority is taking rights away from women and gays. Who's the next group? Who's to say that we won't all be forced to become Christians or die, if the country keeps driftin the way it's going.

Saying that gays are not allowed to marry says that gays aren't capable of love. It relegates them to the realm of animals. There is no difference between this and having separate water fountains for whites and blacks. We are regressing as a nation, and this truly disturbs me. The fact that we sit back and allow this to happen disturbs me. I'm ashamed to be an American. I love this country and what it stands for, but under the current administation, I'm ashamed. I never thought I'd see the day when our freedom, what this country was founded on, would be stripped from us. And I'm neither gay nor a woman. I just think that all people are people, all humans are humans, and we're all equal. Not socially or economically or politically, but underneath all that, I don't believe that one person on this earth is better than any other person. I just think that everyone should be treated the same. Calling on religion to separate people is wrong. I've been saying it for years. God is weeping because of what is being carried out in his name.

I don't want to imagine what will happen to America in the next four years. I see it as only a slight stretch of the imagination to say that this country might not even survive. As the disparity between rich and poor gets bigger and bigger, as it will under a completely Republican government, people will become more and more restless. It's happened time and time again throughout history. As we lose our rights, we'll get more and more restless. The parallels between this time in our history and the beginning of the fall of Rome are scary. We've given our government license to do whatever they want. We've okayed corporate scandal. We've shown that we are a hateful, scared society of people who look to religion for how to think instead of looking at the world around them, within themselves. The anti-American sentiment around the world will grow stronger and stronger as we fight a war we cannot win. Between attacks on our country and growing civil unrest, this country is headed towards disaster. We only have 50% of our people vote each year, proving that we're lazy pieces of shit. We don't deserve what we have. Maybe that's why the revolution won't come: we're too apathetic to do anything about the injustices about to be carried out against our own people. We won't care until it affects us, and then it will be too late.

Stand up for our rights. Do not let this government strip us of our freedom. It's not time to build a united America. It's time to fight for our country back, now more than ever.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

You know, I didn't realize how hard this would hit me. But George Bush is our president again and I've lost faith in humanity. I don't even want to go on living in this world, seriously. I'm not suicidal, but how can I participate in such a fucked up world, where gay marriage is an issue, where we don't give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of us, where we'll reelect a terrible president because he has "convictions?" Bush won the popular vote. That's fucked up. Having done not a single good thing since he's been in office, he got more popular. I don't get it. All day I haven't been able to concentrate, not so much because of the idea that Bush will be in office four more years, but because our citizens are so stupid or gullible or arrogant that we reelected him. I'm upset at us. I can't believe that this so called greatest country in the world is so fucking dumb.

This has convinced me that there is no God, and religion is a crock of shit. And if I'm wrong, then send me straight to hell, because I couldn't stand to be eternally in heaven, a place full of religious zealots who vote for taking rights away from women and gays. I'd shoot the place up, or kill myself, or something. Heaven is not a place I want to be, nor is this country. Thank you, those of you who voted for Kerry. We tried.

I'm not saying all religious people are evil. I don't say that ever. To clarify the ideas in this short post I wrote this article: Read it if you're as pissed as I am.

Monday, November 01, 2004

I know it's a little late for this, being as it's election eve, but if you're not voting, kill yourself, because you don't count and no one loves you. I don't even care if you vote for Bush (but don't, seriously), just vote. I myself may be hanging out at Leslie's friend's house tomorrow night to be surrounded by other liberals. I might even be driven to drink if it looks like Bush is going to win.

I went to the doctor today for my throat. It's been sore for 4 days now. So she gives me medication for my nose and says it'll go away within 7-14 days of it showing up. So great, now I don't have that runny nose problem I never had, and I've only got, you know, 3-10 days left of this shit. Fantastic. This reminds me why I don't go to doctors. She did take a throat culture, so I guess I can call tomorrow and see what I have. But since I've already been dismissed from the doctor, I don't really see the point other than curiosity. And since that killed the cat, well, we all know... uh... next.

Music: Against Me! Seriously. I'm not even going to say more. Tsunami Bomb's album is rock solid, "The Definitive Act." Strung Out's new CD came today, it sounds solid as well. Elliott Smith's final album is amazing after a few listens. It's rougher than his past couple albums so it takes a couple listens to get used to it. And... what else... Me First and the Gimme Gimmes' new album is actually kind of a disappointment for me. Usually I get an album by them and I can't stop listening to it, but the new one's already under a lot of other stuff in my pile here. So yeah. That's music.

I got a haircut. Leslie says it looks good. I guess it does. I was getting hairy. One day at work my hair was all in my ears and I was like "Fuck this, I'm getting a haircut." So I did. And I didn't do anything for Halloween because I'm a cool dude.

What the hell else is going on? I have been keeping myself ahead of the game in homework recently so I've actually had free time, and I've got to say, it's a little overrated. Don't get me wrong, it's better than homework. But I can only spend so much time staring at a screen before I get headaches and bored. Maybe it has to do with the constant pain from my throat, though, that's been making me irritable. Oh, movies.

Movies: Team America was funny. Not hilariously funny, I never lost control of my bowels, but puppets are funny sometimes. I thought I'd get sick of them but they were funny. The puppet sex was good stuff, especially since neither doll had genitals. And then Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow was pretty awesome. The first 15 minutes or so with just Gwyneth Paltrow were pretty boring and I was like "Oh no, this is going to suck," but then the action starts and damn if it wasn't cool. Not at all believable, but I don't ask for believability from a movie like that. I recommend seeing that one. Up next on the Adam Wants to See list are Saw and Ray, because they're only three letters long. Alright, I thought I had something interesting to say but I don't. And I have to go to the bathroom. So if you'll excuse me...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

A week ago I was in New York, riding the subway, seeing shows, crammed in a hotel room with 10 other people, eating cheap (yet amazingly good) pizza, walking around aimlessly at 2AM, catching taxis, being carded, looking up at flashing lights and tickers in Times Square, riding the Staten Island ferry, and watching a guy desecrate a toilet bowl with a half rotten banana. Now I'm back in Harrisonburg. Needless to say, it's not quite as exciting as my trip to New York. Which as awesome. It's a trip like that that makes me hate the fact that memories fade and erode over time. I want to hold on to every minute I was there, capture it in words or pictures, keep it with me forever. But I know that a couple of years from now the trip will be a blur, a few frames that flash for a moment and then shrivel away. They'll become another lost dream that I can only remember as I forget it.

Ok, enough of the deep stuff. I need sleep, but I don't want to sleep just yet. Therefore, rambles and run on sentences are bound to ensue. Consider yourself warned.

I have lots of new music. Tsunami Bomb, Fluf, Sondre Lerche, Drag the River, Chad Rex, Jimmy Eat World, Elliott Smith... All good stuff (I assume), but I haven't had the time to listen to them in the past week. School (namely reading) has been taking a huge chunk of my time. I feel like all I do anymore is read. Sometimes I think it's killing my soul. It's not that the reading is horribly bad, it's just time consumming. I miss being able to sit down, pop in a CD, and crank out a few math problems in 10 minutes and that's that. Now, I know I made a vow when I first started this thing to not bitch about my life, and I think I've done a pretty good job with that. But fuck it, it's 3 in the morning. I'm tired. So I'm gonna bitch about being an English major since it's been bothering me. Not that I doubt my desire to continue with English, I just feel discouraged since a few of my previous English classes are pretty much null and void now that I've declared Secondary Education as my minor. Whatever.

It was so nice to be able to go away. For five days I forgot about my life as it is. For five days I had freedom, I had independence. For five days I was the happiest I've been in a year. And then it was taken away and repalced with... this. In high school, everyone always tells you that college is the best four years of your life. And it is, probably. It's just depressing to think that, from here on out, your life will go downhill. And what am I doing with this time? Fucking it away. Fuck. Listen to me. I need to stop this self-pity shit.

The election is coming up very very soon. I don't know what I'll do if Bush gets re-elected, but screaming, shouting, and swearing are all at the top of that list. It's not like Kerry is going to change everything, (though I've gained lots of respect for the man since the debates) but he's bound to be better than Bush. And if you've seen Fahrenheit 9/11 (which I hope you have), then you're bound to feel that Bush shouldn't be allowed to be president at all. It's like when you read the official rules for a contest, and one line is always, "family or friends of employees of (insert company) may not enter," it should be like that with Bush. He should be disqualified from being president due to all of his crazy ties with the bin Ladens. So vote. Please. And tell other people to vote. If you can get just two people to vote, and then those two people tell two other people to vote... It's like the principle in that Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt movie. What was it called? Pay it Forward? I forget. But it's like that. We can make a difference. So let's take the opportunity to do something about it.

Ha. Me preaching about taking an opportunity and doing something about it. Since I'm the expert on that subject.

We picked out pumpkins today. With Halloween being a week away, we're getting in the spirit (Ha! Spirit? Halloween?) by decorating our townhouse and carving pumpkins and all that stuff. I'm trying my best to get into the grove, but it's not happening. I feel so old and stupid when I think that I'll never enjoy Halloween the same as I did when I was 8 or so and went as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, but that's really what I think sometimes. It doesn't help when assholes steal decorations you have planted outside. But we saw that coming, so it wasn't quite as big of a deal. Still, people are real jerks sometimes.

Yes! Uplifting, optimistic... These are both words to describe my awesome entry! Actually, if I continue using these exclamation points, then maybe I can mask these not so happy thoughts! There we go, problem solved!

Something cool did happen this week, though, and that was this: Through the radio station, I got to listen to an advanced copy of Strung Out's "Exile in Oblivion" album, which doesn't come out until November 2nd. That was really awesome. Especially since it's a good album. I haven't decided if it's better than "An American Paradox" or "Twisted by Design," but it's definitely really good. Lots of catchy tunes, and the guitars are, of course, awesome. It's not nearly as hard or disturbing as the awful cover art makes it look. So I would recommend picking it up. Maybe you can reward yourself after you vote by purchasing some fine music. Yeah, that'd work.

Also, I saw Races to April tonight. That always helps. "Kill the Lights" live is a cathartic experience.

I want to be happy all the time. I want to make someone else happy all the time. I want to stop writing sappy entries in this blog. Truthfully, I think some people were meant to be alone. Have a nice day!

Monday, October 18, 2004

It's time for the great book update! Yes, I've read more books for class and I have this to say about them: In the Heart of the Heart of the Country by William Gass is officially the worst book I've ever read. For a while it was the Color Purple. This semester it was Excellent Women. But Gass' book surpasses them all by being completely incoherent trash from page one to page whatever. It's five short stories, none of them with any redeeming value except possibly the first 30 pages or so of the first story. Awful. Awful. And then there was Herzog by Saul Bellow which was an enjoyable book, really very slow in places, about a guy who writes a lot of letters to people that he never sends because his wife divorced him. Then he gets over it and stops writing letters. It's more entertaining than that, but at about 400 pages it's really slow until the end, and even then it's pretty slow. Not getting my seal of recommendation either. However, this book I'm reading now, Them, by Joyce Carol Oates, is extremely good so far (89 pages in) and is the first book since the first book we read this semester that I've actually wanted to keep reading. So after I post this I'll go read until midnight.

My cable works. Danny worked some magic on a little splitter in a closet and bam, TV. This has served to remind me how much TV sucks.

I was sure going into the playoffs that it would be the Cardinals and the Yankees in the Series. At this point, I'm still pretty sure it'll be the Yankees, because God hates the Red Sox, but the NL is tough. I'm amazed that wild card Houston is keeping up with St. Louis, but I can only assume it's a fluke and that in the next two games the ridiculous Cardinal lineup will come to life and score hundreds of runs. I have to root for the Cards because I feel they're the only team who can put up a fight against the Yankees, and like any God-fearing red-blooded American male, I hate the Yankees. Laura likes the Yankees. I can't believe that. But sometimes we have to accept these things and move on.

I'm no longer driving the Audi. If I had all the money put in it, I'd have simply taken a metal baseball bat and a chainsaw and whatever other tools of destruction I could find and taken out 3000 bucks worth of agression on the cursed piece of shit. But since Dad had all the money in it, someone's getting a tax write off when it gets given to charity, though if the charity knew what they had coming to them, they wouldn't accept it. It'll probably blow up killing lots of little children or something. It's the devil's car. Now I'm driving a Civic, which isn't nearly as nice as the Audi, but it runs, making it infinitely nicer than the Audi. I salvaged my stereo out of the old Audi though, so one of these days I'll have a CD player in the Civic, and that will be very nice, because the radio blows ass. Except sometimes for the college station, which has played Lagwagon, Strung Out, Atmosphere, The Postal Service, Elliott Smith, and lots of other stuff that you don't expect to hear on the radio. So that's where I keep it. 90.5, KCSU.

Tomorrow the new Me First and Elliott Smith CDs come out. While some people have a problem with Best Buy (and I do too because their customer service is balls) I will be purchasing the CDs there because time has shown that my local independent shop gets CDs late and expensive, whereas Best Buy gets them on time and on sale. One of these days Metroid Prime 2 will come out and I will buy that and play it nonstop until Resident Evil 4 comes out, at which point I will resign from the human race in order to play that game without break until I die of hunger.

Lots of good looking scary movies coming out, most importantly Saw, which looks freaky as shit. Hopefully I'll get to go see that this weekend. I saw Ghost in the Shell 2 down at an independent movie theater in Boulder on... Saturday. I have no clue what the hell happened in that movie, much like after four viewing of the first Ghost in the Shell I have very little idea what happened, but it was fantastic visually and for that alone I think everyone should go see it on the big screen. My 8 bucks was spent on amazing eye candy, and that's fine with me. Maybe when it comes out on DVD I'll watch it a few more times to figure out what the story is.

Cam and I went and saw Against Me! on Friday. It was awesome. Against Me! is awesome. The first band, True North, was boring verging on bad, but they only played like 25 minutes so I didn't get violent. The Blood Brothers were surprisingly good after a few songs when I forgave the singers' ridiculously high voices (especially the blond) and spastic gay dance moves. They put on a good show, and when the brunette sung in a normal voice and the blond screamed, it actually sounded pretty good. And they had a few damn good songs in there where they slowed down and actually played music. And Against Me! killed. Of note, they played The Disco Before the Breakdown for the first time in the four times I've seen them, they had one new song I'd never heard before which was quite good. But there were some notable absences in their set (which was the longest set they've played), including the awesome electric Unsubstantiated Rumors and the other new songs they've played before. But it was a good set. Except for the crowd jumping on stage during the traditional closer We Laugh at Danger and making the band not be able to sing the song. But it was a good time. Then we rode in the HOV lane on the way home, which is this crazy little deal that runs between incoming traffic and outgoing(?) traffic and just goes straight when the highway turns. So we probably saved like a million minutes taking that. Then we passed a bad accident which was cool. That was a good night. We got from south of Denver to Fort Collins in like 45 minutes it seems like because Cam drives like a madman.

The shower door broke today when I got out. Now we can't get in. I told the landlord to get his/her ass over here and fix it, but they were like "nuh uh, we'll take our sweet time." So hopefully they come tomorrow. Otherwise I'll have to go shower with Cam, and I doubt he'll appreciate that (or at least he won't admit it). And that's all.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Cam says I don't update this anymore, to which I say "Oh yeah? Then what's this?" But he's right, I don't update this very often. You know why that is? Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much the stork brings them a kid and he grows up and gets locked into doing the same shit every week and doesn't really have anything to write about. This lack of news in my life will become very apparent very soon.

My cell phone number apparently used to be an insurance company in Georgia's number because I get all these 770 numbers that I don't recognize calling me. I answered the first one because I was like "Sweet, someone's calling my cell phone and I don't know them; this is a prime opportunity for me to make a new friend!" Then they asked for the insurance company and I was disappointed. So now I don't pick up numbers I don't recognize unless they leave a message.

Uh... let's see. Leslie came up again this weekend like every weekend. That was good. I told her we have to see Shaun of the Dead next weekend. So if anyone wants to come you should, because it looks funny. We did see Collateral (good) and Resident Evil (not so good) this past week. Wednesday maybe. At Resident Evil we were very excited because there appear to be some good scary movies coming out soon. Though in my experience "good" and "scary movies" should never be used together, who knows. This movie Saw looks creepy as sheeyot. And White Noise and... uh... something else looked scary too. In other news, I'm all about waiting three months and watching movies at the 3 dollar theater.

Music news, the new Dwarves album is teh shitzorz. I got it on maybe Tuesday and I can't stop listening to it. Every day. It sucks my life out slowly and I enjoy every second of it. Also surprisingly good is the new Tsunami Bomb album. I called their first album "The Best Album Kung Fu Ever Released" and though that ain't true, it was still a good album. But this blows it away, it's a really solid record the whole way through. Good stuff. I got the Dillinger Escape Plan's EP on Epitaph used the other day and it kills me as much as Miss Machine. I can't recommend anyone listen to that band because the sheer wall of noise and fury they put out can only loosely be described as music, but I've definitely gotten to like it. Good background noise for reading. Miss Machine is so harsh that you actually feel like you've just gotten done working out when it's over. You're breathing all hard. It's weird. And the new Green Day album is pretty damn good too. It's apparent that the days of Dookie and Insomniac greatness are over, but this album does beat the living shit out of that waste of plastic they put out a few years ago called Warning. Most of the songs run together and that's sweet. And Billie Joe can actually sing now. I recommend that.

I moved in with Danny. It's good. Green carpet is cool. The cable in my room doesn't work for some reason and for that I will give every Comcast employee twenty lashes and a stern warning that if it ever happens again they will receive twenty more. Our dishwasher here doesn't seem to do anything to the dishes so if this keeps up I'm going to just wash by hand and put them back. Save water. And the toaster oven makes Pop Tarts crumbly, not crunchy, and that upsets the gods. But other than that, Danny is a good roommate. We don't see each other all that much because we're both working all the time, or I'm down at Leslie's, but it works out. The only thing that sucks is cell phone service is non existant inside here. So if you call me and I don't answer, I'm probably at home. One of these days I'll get a land line put in here but until then... talk to me on the computer or leave me a message.

I got my Dreamcast back and it's like a whole new system again. I've been playing Grandia 2 since I never beat that. After that I'll probably go play the rest of Shenmue 2, then who knows. There are a whole world of possibilities there. The games are 6 bucks at the used place. Everyone should go to the local used place and buy a Dreamcast and the whole library of games for like 75 bucks.

I think that's it. I read two more books for class since we last spoke: The Magic Barrel by Bernard Malamud (decent, but not getting my seal of recommendation) and The End of the Road by John Barth (well written but incredibly depressing at the end, not getting my seal of recommendation). I know you all live and die by my book reviews, so I'll keep them coming.

My hair is long but Cam's hair is really long, and Leslie cut her hair short. Until next time, keep that in mind.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Well, I suck at updating this thing. It's almost been two months, so I guess it's about time I keep you all updated with the many goings on in my life. So here goes, you better prepare yourself for this massive life update.

I've been going to school and doing school work. Fridays from 6-8pm I do a radio show with Yannos. Sometimes on the weekend I do fun things with others.

That just about does it. 2 months of my life summed up in 3 sentences. I'm cool.

I finally got my Joey Cape/Tony Sly acoustic cd back today. Of course, you probably didn't know I lost it, but it's true. I left it at home. Thankfully, it's now back in my possession. And if you don't have it, then you're stupid, because it's really good.

Uh... yes. You'd think after two months it'd be nearly impossible for me to have writer's block so early in the entry, but I'm here to defy all odds.

Billy Collins is officially my favorite poet. If you haven't read anything by him, that's too bad, cause the man kicks ass. His writing is really rich and vivid, but it never leaves you completely lost. I admire that. So it's poetry minus all the bad things you associate with poetry.

Here's something I could do without: shitty livejournal/profile poetry. You know, stuff like this:

Slash My Wrists
I cry tears over
And slash my wrists over
And you never think about
And you never look at
I can't live without
But you live without

All right, enough of that. You get the picture. Now, it's one thing to use uber emo lyrics, but to write your own bad poetry and force others to read it... Well, that's just mean. Of course, I'm one to talk, seeing as how we have a whole page of poetry on our website. Whatever.

What's that you say? A random Top 5 list? Ok, sure.

Top 5 Reasons To Hate Your Neighbors:
1. They never wear shirts. And they're guys. I should've clarified that.
2. They cannot park between the lines.
3. They leave their recycling bin out in the front yard for a week.
4. They trash barstools and a vacuum cleaner and leave the shattered remains scattered all over the common backyard area.
5. Somehow, regardless of 1-4, they still get throngs of girls to come to a dinner party.

I don't base that list off of reality at all. That's just a list of hypotheticals.

All right, enough babbling. I typed a whole lot and said nothing profound whatsoever. So I guess it's about time I get to that super deep moment of the entry: When you cry, the whole world cries too.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The book Excellent Women should be called Excellent Women Sucks because it sucks. Y'see... Ahh... anyway.

How was your labor day weekend? Mine was so good I'm not even capitalizing it. Let's see... Leslie came up for the whole weekend and it was good. There. No school on Monday means no Spanish, which means Yay!. And I got a test back in there that I got a 75 on. I was kicking ass on it and then I got to the section where we need to know tenses other than present, and I sucked it up. I wish I could remember tenses. Language is hard.

Brian and I are going to enter this contest Bravo is having for a comedy TV series. As nobody knows, we've written like 7 episodes of a script for a sitcom type deal that we were going to try to sell after school. But now there's this contest so today we cleaned up my original, 3 year old pilot episode and we're going to turn that in. If we win, which we won't, but if we do, we go to LA for 10 weeks and do some reality TV type deal that chronicles the making of the show. And that sucks, because reality TV sucks. But we also get $25,000 and the show gets 10 episodes on the air, I think. And you know what, at this point, I'd sell my soul for $25,000 bucks so if it means dropping school for a semester and making a shitty reality TV show, I'll sell out with no regrets. But before any of that happens, we have to win. And to win our show would have to be good. And for our show to be good, someone else would have had to write it. So we're screwed.

My car is a bitchy bitch bitch. So it didn't start last week, so I called the tow truck guy the next day and he came over, started it right up, and towed it to the mechanic, who also started it right up. So that cost 84 bucks and nothing happened. Then it sprung a leak in another coolant hose so that got fixed for 130 bucks or so. And then yesterday it wouldn't start again. So I left it overnight and tried to start it today and it still wouldn't start, so I was like good, it's not going to work, so when I have it towed again they'll actually be able to find what's wrong with it. But then they call today and they go "Yeah, we got your car and it started right up for us." So apparently I'm retarded. I'd think I'm insane, but Charlie's been witness to this car both times it's done this, and Eric and John saw it this time. What I need to do is have those guys at the shop show me how to start my own damn car. So I told them I don't care if it's starting, it doesn't start once a week, and that's too much, and I told them we think it's a short in the electrical system somewhere that's not sending a shock through the car to start it. So we'll see what they have to say. If I get it back and it's fixed then I might keep it for a while, since this is the only problem it has now. But if I get it back and it's not fixed, the thing is going up for sale before something else can break in it.

I'm on the Dean's List. Hip hip hooray? I'm "among the most academically successful students in the College of Liberal Arts and at Colorado State University." The school is proud of my achievements and is "honored" that I've chosen to study with them. See, I got this nice letter from good ol' Heather K. Hardy, Dean over the summer, telling me how awesome I am. And Heather, I have this to say to you. Put up or shut up, lady. Give me some scholarship money if you're so proud of me, or you can take you nice mass produced letter and shove it up your cheap, money witholding ass.

I am seriously going to move sometime. This weekend, maybe, if I can get the paperwork done by then. If not, then... next weekend, I guess. No rush. But when the car and the moving are out of my mind, I'll be like a new man.

Turning music up ridiculously loud and singing until your throat is raw is the best therapy there is. Until next time, keep on keeping on trucking.

Monday, August 30, 2004

I just got done reading The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene for my American Lit class. Now, usually I'll read a book for class and be like "well that kind of sucked" and then go on a rant about how just because something's old doesn't mean it's a classic. But that book is seriously one of the best books I've ever read. It's slow in parts but the ending is incredibly powerful, and probably the best look at suicide that I've ever seen. It's not gory, but it's incredibly passionate. Really goes through what a suicidal person must feel before he does the deed. Beyond that scene and the preceding scenes of a man's complete and utter mental breakdown, it's an incredible look at faith, in this case the Catholic faith. Not my favorite group on the whole, as some of you know. But this book painted them in such a human light that even I was touched. At the end the wife and the priest are talking, and it goes like this:
"It's no good even praying..."
Father Rank clapped the cover of the diary to and said furiously "For goodness' sake, Mrs Scobie, don't imagine you - or I - know a thing about God's mercy."
"The church says..."
"I know the Church says. The Church knows all the rules. But it doesn't know what goes on in a single human heart."

I don't know if that means anything without reading the book, but I wholeheartedly recommend it. It's beautifully written and terribly powerful.

Other than that, school is going to kind of suck this semester. I can't remember spanish enough to take the class I'm in. And... poetry is full of poetry people. And if you're reading this, and you know any poetry people, you hate them. That's just how it is. Those people suxorz. They're pretentious little art fucks who think they're better than you because they know all these big words no one ever uses, and they think that all because
something is
like this
that it is something


Anyway, my car's going back into the shop tomorrow. If I can get it to run long enough to get it home from the shop with no problems I'd look into selling it. If I could only ride a bike 65 miles an hour, I'd swear off cars forever. I'll hopefully be moving in with Danny this weekend. That'll be a load off my mind. I've been kind of beat down recently because of all this shit, but I'd like to give a shout out to Eric, who can't read this because he doesn't have his computer hooked up to the internet, for helping me out through this more than anyone else (except Leslie). He's calmed me down on more than one occasion, let me play Goldeneye with him, and gone to a concert with me. Yay Eric. And Yay Leslie. And even though it's his damn fault this living thing is going on, Yay Charlie. And Yay Danny for letting me move in with him. And Yay Cam for being Cam. And I think that's all the Yays I have for today.

I thought I was running out of clothes but then I realized Leslie just put my shirts on the other side of the closet. It was like striking gold, I don't have to do laundry for another week.

I think I'm going to sell a lot of my CDs soon. I have too many to even be close to fitting in my cases. But we'll see how that goes. Probably not well. I always scan for CDs I don't need anymore but then I always find one good song that makes me not want to sell the CDs. But I know I have some I'll never listen to again. So if the car starts working I'll do that.

Armchair Martian was really good the other night. Chad didn't play bass for them, it was some goofy tall guy who sung like four songs. Three unreleased songs, I think, and the other one was 17 Years. So maybe they're getting back together? That'd be cool. Though I'm not a big fan of that new singer of theirs, and Jon didn't have any new songs. But whatever. They need to put out a new album, that's all I'm saying. Until nextime.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hey. I just got back from Florida. The past couple weeks have been busy. Leslie was here. Brian was here. I was in Florida. Leslie and I hung out. Brian and I hung out and made a movie. I went to Busch Gardens and the beach in Florida. Today on the way home we discovered that overnight an entire colony of ants moved into our car. I hate bugs. We spent like 9 hours squashing ants because they kept crawling on us. If they had the sense to stay in the damn trunk and not get on us they would have survived the trip. But now the car is full of dead ants. There was also a huge fly in the car. Dad poked at it with a book to get it to fly out. It was like two inches long and fat. It just looked at the book and was like "Bitch, I ain't moving." So he pushed it behind the back seat. It came and terrorized us later on the road. Dad squished it and it was gross. Now my book has goobers all over it. I did however finish my latest book "Running With Scissors." It was good. Very entertaining. I really could have done without the graphic depictions of gay sex, but that's really not a slam on gays, it's more the fact that I could really always do without graphic depictions of any sex. But it was incredibly engrossing, that guy had a messed up childhood.

You'd think after so long I'd have something to say. You'd be wrong.

To the guy who signed our last post, you signed Brian's post. He is from Virginia. I, however, am from Fort Collins. I don't work at Papa John's, I work at Subway on the CSU campus. It was an honest mistake and I got the message anyway. You're not the first to be confused by our weird two author deal here. So yeah. Hey man. What up.

My grandparents in Florida are weird. Last night after we got back from Busch Gardens Grandpa Murray had printed out a list of 13 principles to lead an effective life and handed one out to each of us, including my dad. He then went over each item in detail. It was like being in school. In fact, all the time we spent with them was like being in school. It's not like meeting with family, it's like taking an oral test. I am apparently a failure because A)I'm an english major which is equivalent to throwing thousands of dollars and four years of your life away and B)I haven't planned what I want to do after school. I apologize to everyone for my lack of direction, I never realized how offensive my behavior was. I'd shape up but I'm too damn stupid.

If you're reading this and you know me, you're invited to come down to a barbecue in Greeley on August 14th. My girlfriend and some of her friends got the idea to throw me a welcome home BBQ. So if she gets to have friends over, so do I. So email me if you want to come, or leave a comment or something. I'll mull over the list of people and invite only the best and brightest.

I haven't slept well in days. I keep waking up at six and not being able to fall back to sleep. Therefore I am either very fun or really boring to talk to, since I don't know what the hell is going on. Like right now, I'm not sure what I'm typing. I think this may have something to do with the fact that my girlfriend is in Seattle with many male friends of hers. I'm insecure as Charlie knows because I feel I have very little to offer in the way of... anything, really. So that could be why I'm not sleeping. Another reason may be the constant fear I live in because of all the terrorist threats.

Timesplitters 2 is cool. Hey, Charlie's having a rough time it sounds like. Comfort him because he doesn't deserve to be unhappy.

Blah blah blah. I think I'm dying. Wait no, still just tired. I have a short story I'm technically working on. You can read it if you're nice. Send gifts. Later.

PS- I ain't proofreading this, so if you want to bitch about my typos, kiss my black ass.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Well, how-dee everyone. Where the hell have I been? Working, I tell you. Working! Working so much that my time at Papa John's is starting to infect my dreams. For instance, this one dream I had went like this: I was working with this other guy, Steve, and we were taking pizzas off the oven. He accidentally drops a pizza on the ground and says, "Man, I feel like such a motard." I laughed for about 20 minutes (or so it felt in my dream). And, when I woke up, I still found myself laughing when I'd say "motard." Now, I don't approve of this popular vernacular that uses "gay" or "homo" to mean something stupid, nor do I think it's right to call something "retarded." But you've gotta admit, when you combine the two together, that's funny stuff right there.

Speaking of delivering pizzas, I've got the driver's tan on my left arm and the delivery man's bicep on my right arm. I think we all know the driver's tan that, when you take your shirt off, makes half your left arm look like it's burnt toast, but I think I'm the first to coin the (soon to be popular) phrase "delivery man's bicep." If you're looking for a great workout (for your arms), you can do the following exercise daily: When delivering a pizza, place 2-3 two liter sodas in a plastic bag. Once having a secure grasp on the bag, balance 3-7 pizzas on the palm of your hand. The trip from your car to the front door is enough to ensure a noticeably larger bicep on whichever hand you use to hold the sodas and pizzas. Bottom line: me with my shirt off (while normally a detesting image) is now just weird.

And how many times has this happened to you? You order a pizza but, oh no! How much are you going to tip the driver??? This question has plagued customers for all too long. Well, maybe not all customers, namely the ones that expect me to carry exact change around with me. But, to put all your woes to rest, I have devised:
1. Place your order
2. Note the time you have finished placing your order
3. Start with a bank of $10
4. For every 10 minutes that pass from your order time, remove a maximum of $2 from your bank
5. When the driver gets there, you will have your tip
Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Brian, you are insane!" But no, not really. Cause see, here's the thing. On slow days, I really take pride in the fact that I can get pizzas to people a mere 15 minutes after they order. That's amazing. How many people can say they've had super amazing service like that? Not many. So I expect to get tipped well for my super amazing service. But what are the chances of that happening? Not very good. Usually it takes more like 35-45 minutes. In which case the tip will be $2-$4 dollars. And that's quite an acceptable tip.

Shit. My job is consuming everything. This whole entry has been about work related stuff. That's sad. I really need to move on to something else.

So I was delivering pizzas the other day, and I was surrounded by idiots. Don't believe me? You soon will. I was waiting at this red light, and the person in front of my had a "W - '04" bumper sticker. Now, I don't wish this guy who's driving his over-compensating-for-something truck harm, but let's say I wouldn't really worry if his car were to tumble several times and exlpode. Yet, if I see someone with a John Kerry bumper sticker I just hope that they survive until the election. Funny how that works. Anyway, so that's the dingleberry in front of me. The guy to my left has a bumper sticker of Texas. Now, Texas might be really nice. But since my archetype of Texas is pretty much good 'ol George W, all I could muster was a surly exhale of breath upon spotting the sticker. But the guy behind me takes the cake. This guy should just be removed from human society forever. Him and Donny Osmand should be the first two humans to set foot on the sun. So what was so wrong with this guy? He's driving a P.T. Cruiser (strike 1) that's either been lowered or appears to be lowered because of its ridiculous looking bumper (strike 2) and is smoking (strike 3). You're out, man. Begone.

Ok. For real, I'm moving on to something non-work related.

I got some CDs from Suburban Home Records the other day. A really cool label, and they've got good stuff. No, no one from Suburban Home is gonna read this and send me free stuff, but hey, I figure it doesn't hurt. The Gamits' Antidote and Laymens Terms' 3 Weeks In are worth picking up. I wonder if anyone actually listens to our music suggestions on this thing. I'm guessing not. But whatever, that's not gonna stop us from doing it anyway.

Races to April. Their CD hits stores August 3rd, but you should preorder it if you know what's good for you. That CD will rock like nothing else. At least, it better, after all this hype I've been throwing around.

All right, that's enough for now. I'll be heading down to Georgia in a couple of days, so I won't be around to update this thing. So it'll be just like I'm home and working all the time instead. Maybe Adam and I will make a crappy home video this summer. Actually, no maybe there. The maybe was supposed to go here: Maybe you'll see it sometime, if you're lucky. And the lucky wasn't supposed to go there. The lucky was supposed to go here: Maybe you won't be subjected to it, if you're lucky. There, that looks right.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Hot damn, it's time for another fun Bush Administration Terrorist Threat! It's been too long, folks. I was wondering what to do with myself, not being especially on the lookout for Middle Easterners to shoot with my legally obtained and owned firearm. Self defense, motherfucker! Those towel head bastards threaten our country, our freedom, our family values, I should be allowed to shoot them. God bless the Red White and Blue, right? Anyway, yeah, as scheduled the current administration has decided to let us know about another terror threat. This time they're targeting the elections in November. So until then, everyone, keep an eye out. Freedom! Has anyone noticed how any time there's a group of more than 10 people meeting somewhere, the Bush administration gets these anonymous terrorist tips? They always go "There's a possibility of a potential threat sometime, somewhere and somehow. We don't know where it'll be... could be in a big city, could be in a small town. Could be planes, could be crop dusted chemicals, could be a guy opening fire in a crowded area. Could be an inside job. And it could happen any time. And it might not happen at all." How in the hell is that newsworthy? Every time a holiday or political convetion has come around since 9/11 a few years ago, there's been a terrorist threat. Hell, sometimes it's so serious that our nice handy color coded theat meter goes up. Ooooooooooooo... spooky. Because when it goes from yellow to orange, you know shit's going down. Except... shit has never gone down. Not once. But what has gone down is Bush's approval rating. And what's a good way to get it up again? The political Viagra known as terrorism. The terrorists crashing planes into the Trade Center has been such a blessing for the Bush administration that I wouldn't be surprised if they had a hand in orchestrating it. Just think. If they hadn't done that, we couldn't have taken out Afghanistan, and we sure wouldn't be in Iraq right now. Our boys and girls (but not any children of the people in Washington) wouldn't be over in the Middle East dying every day. Bush would still be considered a moron, incapable of handling a nation. But since the "attacks" (assuming it wasn't an inside job by Bush and Cheney) Bush has been portrayed as a war hero by the media, basically, even though he didn't even really serve in the military. And now it's giving the Republicans strategies in their ad campaigns against Kerry and Edwards. How will they handle the Mid East situation? The War on Terror? Well, if Bush hadn't sent our troops in unnecessarily because of this handy attack on America, they wouldn't be able to ask those questions. There would be no Mid East situation. There wouldn't be a war on terror if Bush wasn't in office because most other people would realize that you can't fight a war against an idea. Not only should Bush not be reelected, he should be tried for war crimes and decapitated on Al Jazeera for penance for killing so many of the youth of America. Go see Fahrenheit 9/11. You have to take everything Michael Moore says with a grain of salt, but it does present a fairly convincing argument against Bush.

(I'd like to say here that I do use exaggeration [hyperbole, if you will] to make a point sometimes, so use common sense to figure out what I really meant in the paragraph above and what I was just saying to shock people.)

Sorry I haven't been around much, everyone (nobody cares). I've been in two car accidents, my girlfriend has developed a cyst on her kidney, I've been going to my grandparents' house a few days a week... yeah. Mostly it's been the kidney cyst that's kept me away and I apologize. Leslie's unable to sit up for extended periods of time so I can't talk to her on here anymore. So that means I have to talk to her on the phone. And I'm unable to multitask. So there you have it. Once this gets all cleared up I will be around more often. We're just hoping she doesn't need surgery to get it out. Because of where it is it would be major surgery and that would be bad news.

I went to the lake (Lake Alatoona) the other day and rode around on jetskis and floated on rafts. Since then I have been in pain. While riding jetskis as fast as possible over the big waves left by the wakes of boats, thereby catching kick ass air seems like a good idea when you're doing it, your body will not thank you for it in the following days. But I do recommend it anyway. What I don't recommend is falling off a boat and hitting your ass on the rudder. Or motor. Or whatever I hit my ass on. I think I might have broken my tail bone a bit. Here it is almost a week later and I was trying to do situps but was unable to do more than 124 (usually do 4 sets of 50) because of the intense pain on my butt bone. I'm not going to the doctor for this because it doesn't hurt most of the time, but it is a pain... in... the... ass... I apologize. Hopefully it's healed and better by the time we go to Florida because rollercoasters are going to hurt if it hasn't healed. Going to the doctor would just get me a donut to sit on and that won't do shit against the roller coasters.

Future events: Leslie comes July 17-20, I will consequently not be available for comment. Brian comes the week of the 25th of July, tentatively. I will consequently probably be filming another stupid movie so me and Brian can laugh at it once and torture our families. Sometime after Brian leaves: Florida trip. I will consequently be riding lots of rides and sweating because my grandparents there don't use air conditioning in the middle of summer. August 14: I come back to Colorado. I will consequently be available for parties, weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, and especially funerals. Get your concert shoes on for Against All Authority August 25.

Finally, I made a superfundandyamazing english test that you can take if you want. Leave comments with your scores so I can make fun of you.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Doesn't the music during the Xtreme Bowflex commercial (not "Extreme," mind you, since 1. That's not cool and 2. That first E is a bitch to add in) sound like really, really, really bad porn music? The answer is "yes."

So I've decided there's one person that everyone (young or old, male or female, liberal or conservative) could agree should just go away forever: Donny Osmond. I can't imagine anyone five years from now going, "Boy, I'm really sad that Donny Osmond isn't around anymore." I mean, who likes this guy? Actually, I think the more important question is: Why would you like that guy?

Bad Santa looked like it would be just about the worst movie in the world. And now I have to watch commercials for it again, now that the DVD is coming out and it's Badder Santa. It's like they're admitting that this bad movie is now worse. Somehow.

Reno 911! was just on (a fairly okay show) and one of the characters referenced Encyclopedia Brown. That's awesome. I remember those books from way back when. I only had one, I think, maybe two, and I didn't even read them all that often, but still, that's great. And check out that diction: "referenced" right before "Encyclopedia." Man, that's good writing.

I think this has been the most random post I've made. Chickenpox wasn't fun.

I want to be like this guy Rich at work. He's something like 48 years old but acts like 20 year old. He's getting all excited about Pitch Black coming out (okay, that was a bad example of how cool he is), he's telling me how he stays up until 6 in the morning and wakes up at 3 in the afternoon. He's not worried about making something of himself in the world. He's been working for Papa John's something like 10 years now, and he seems to enjoy it. And that's really all I want, is just to be happy doing whatever I'm doing 20, 30 years from now. Even if it's something stupid like delivering pizzas.

You know what annoys the shit out of me? When I'm making myself a nice sandwich for lunch and I grab the stack of sliced cheese from the deli, only to discover that the slices of cheese are about as wide as a strand of hair. And I try to peel the top slice off the stack, but it's so thin that I break of a miniscule little piece instead of the whole slice of cheese. Then, working off that, I try to peel the rest of the slice off, but it takes forever since I can't get a clean grasp on the slice of cheese. Fifteen minutes later, I've got my slice of cheese finally on my piece of bread, but it's not a nice square slice, it's a bunch of these tiny little bits and pieces I've plastered together. Yeah, that shit's not cool. What's also not cool is the fact that probably no one has ever had this happen to them but me.

All right, enough randomness. I'm out of here. However, I will leave you with this thought: Apparently this new green ketchup stuff is doing okay. At least, I haven't heard reports to the contrary. So, if, in some crazy publicity stunt, pickles were dyed red, would you buy them?

Friday, June 11, 2004

Yo. I am back. And better than ever. Or at least not worse than before. Okay, maybe a little worse. But generally the same. The reason for my extended absence is long and complicated, involving a great white shark, three (not one or two) lazer battles with invading aliens, a cupcake, Rainbow Brite, some Valium, more than a healthy amount of Viagra, and tons upon tons of explosives. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say it was an exciting time in my life. After all that got finished the internet went out here and we went to my grandma's house, which is not exactly internet friendly. A lightning storm killed our internet. So we got back from grandma's house and the internet was still broken. So I called our local Comcast representative (in India) and he answered in a well trained American, but still very recognizably Indian accent, and told me his name was William. I don't know many people from that area of the world, but I'm pretty sure William is not a common name there. But hey, what do I know. So then the guy came to fix it today (we'll call him Keith, because that's his name) and I couldn't understand a word he was saying even though his native language is English. And I'm not being racist or anything, maybe he couldn't understand me. So I made some guesses about what the hell he was talking about and soon enough we had a new modem and the internet was back. So to celebrate this glorious occasion, I'm writing this.

This is a good room. It's big and it's private. It is spacious and has a big comfy bed. It never gets light. It is the perfect bedroom except for all the bugs. Leslie calls me a wuss but seriously, there's a crapload of bugs down here and I'm sure that they feed on my soul while I sleep. Spiders the likes of which you've never seen, and little flying bugs that walk on the monitor. I think I saw one of the spiders eating a neighborhood cat the other day. I think this weekend the bugs will meet Mr. Vacuum (I won the spelling bee in third or fourth grade on that word). Then we'll see who's boss.

If anyone has an opinion on flautas, the mexican food, I would like that opinion. I'd like to try them, but I don't want it to suck.

New stuff? Why yes, I do have some. Audio Karate's new CD, Rancid's first CD, and Eurotrip on DVD. And now my money will begin to be saved for Leslie's trip because she might not have the money at hand to buy a ticket to come out here. I know what you're saying, Cam, she's trying to scam me into paying for her ticket. And that may well be. But it's a chance I'll have to take. I'd set up a Paypal account for donations if you all weren't such cheap bastards. And if I had any idea how to do that. But she promises she'll pay me back, so we'll see.

Still no job. It ain't happening. I developed a theory not too long ago. Places won't hire me because I'm ugly. Employers know that everyone likes good looking people. And if a place has an entire staff comprised of models and porn stars, people will come back because they like looking at them. Nobody likes looking at me, and the employers know that. I won't bring business back. So I'm developing a bill to propose to Congress about equal rights for ugly people. If anyone else wants in to my project, I'd love the help.

Ronal Reagan is dead. His funeral is on TV on 9 channels every day like 24 hours a day. This is ridiculous. Leslie's mom was yelling about it in the background on the phone tonight and I talked to her about how I was mad about it too. That was weird. But yeah, it's overkill. I could maybe watch some hilights, sportscenter style at night, but the live coverage of a casket draped in a flag being marched down the street at 2 miles an hour is just too much. Presidents don't die every day, but neither do astronauts, and astronauts don't take up all the TV time. That's it for now.

Monday, June 07, 2004

It has come to my attention that it's been a while since I've posted a link that none of you will go to. Well, that's all about to change.

The Top 10 Conservative Idiots for the week of June 7, 2004. There you go. Read and laugh at the stupidity. Or get disgusted by it. Maybe you can laugh and get disgusted at the same time. I've yet to check out the rest of the site, but if it's good, I'll be sure to maybe possibly let you know.

So the delivery job is officially underway. Yesterday was my first day, and it was pretty good. The 5 hour shift went by pretty fast, but there was just enough down-time to rest and relax a bit. I think I've finally found a summer job I won't mind doing again over winter break. Of course, it's still super early to tell, but still. First day was good, and that's more than I can say about Shoppers.

Re-reading what I just wrote, I'm impressed with the flow of the end of the first sentence and the start of the second. "Underway" to "Yesterday" and then "first day." Good stuff. I know no one cares, but hey, that's good writing if I do say so myself. Which I do, since I wrote it and all. It should also make up for the very long and confusing first sentence to this whole entry. But I digress.

Races to April needs to release their CD already. What's taking them so long? I don't think they realize the mental anguish they're causing me. I've been waiting for this thing for about 8 months now. Wait, wait, no, I take that back. Fall semester of freshman year was when I first saw them live, so it's actually been more like... 21 months. Yeah. Granted, I was able to get my hands on a 3 song EP to hold me over these past few, oh, 10 months or so, but still, that 9 song EP has been in the works forever. I have a feeling it'll be really damn good, and it'll be worth the wait in the end, but for now this anticipation is killing me. If you don't know anything by Races to April, check out the link. If you like it, let me know, I'll buy a CD for you and ship it out to you and everything. I don't mind giving these guys my money, they deserve it.

So I've been watching some third season episodes of the West Wing on Bravo, and Mary-Louise Parker has a recurring role for a good 10 episodes, probably. If you don't know who she is, she is an incredibly, incredibly attractive woman. And I had no idea she was 38 when they were filming the episodes, either. That's crazy. If you've ever needed an incentive to watch the show, she should be it, since she's gorgeous. And the actress that plays Donna is pretty good looking, too. Plus, the writing is great, since Aaron Sorkin is the man at dialogue. So, pretty women + good writing = no excuse for you not to be watching this show.

All right, that's it for now. I'm tired of typing. Speaking of great writing, check out that alliteration. And my excessive comma use, like Adam. Isn't that a sign of a great writer? That actually wasn't a rhetorical question, the correct answer is "yes."

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Here's something I could do without: back-to-back commercials for the same product. Who was the marketing genius who thought this was a good idea? "Ok, see, we show a commercial once and the audience will just dismiss it immediately- especially if it's for a drug or alcoholic beverage. But, if we then show a second commercial right after the first one, everyone will change their mind and like our product!" Yeah, that's exactly how it goes. Because I just can't get enough of hearing about Ted or whomever, and how his life turned around because he started to take a natural male enhancer that causes him to have a smile permanently etched on his face. Or how this woman lost her libido, but, thanks to a miracle pill, is now hornier than a prepubescent teenage boy. And, please, just shove down my throat the fact that your alcoholic beverage is better than everyone else's- I don't care. In fact, the only time I've ever found this back-to-back deal to be acceptable is for the Puma commercials about the Summer Olympics. And that's only because seeing an old guy grab a stick, then magically pop into neon green running shoes and take off running down the street is funny. I forget what the other commercial is that that one is paired with, but that's a good one, so I'll allow it. Still, I could really do without this.

Speaking of commercials, networks need to switch it up a bit. I know Cartoon Network (when I'd watch Adult Swim at school) would tend to play the same ones over and over and over and over and over. Notably, the preview for Hellboy. That killed me. I have zero tolerance for that preview and won't ever consider seeing it having been subjected to the awful 30 second spot about a bajillion times. Also, I've been watching Bravo lately since they've been airing 3rd season episodes of the West Wing, and they keep playing the same ads over and over, and it's just annoying. So, please, let's get some new commercials, huh? Or let's get rid of them entirely. I'm sick of hearing about products I could really care less about.

What's that, you say? What good music should you pick up? Well, I'm glad you asked. If you don't have the 3 essential CDs that came out on the 18th of May, then you are a fool. The Joey Cape/Tony Sly acoustic split, Sleep Station's After the War, and As Tall As Lion's Lafcadio (how one pronounces that is beyond me) are all extremely good. Check them out. You may even be able to find them at your local record store. Who knows.

So I (finally) got a summer job, not like anyone cares. I'll be delivering pizzas for Papa John's. I look forward to it, I think it'll be fun. I just hope I don't get into an accident or held up at gun point or something, that'd kind of suck. Sunday's my first day, so we'll see how that goes. And here's a really depressing factoid: I only have to earn 2 dollars in tips every hour to get paid more per hour at Papa John's than I did at Shoppers Food Warehouse. That kills me. Shoppers really screwed me over with my wage, I don't think I'll ever be going back there.

Cicadas are ugly motherfuckers. You guys in Colorado, be thankful you don't have to deal with them. It's not like they're all over the place, but there's a constant hum during the day since they make noise. And if one were to ever land on you, that's just extremely gross since they are ugly, ugly bugs.

August 15th seems like a long time away. The 15th is when I can finally move into the townhouse back at school. I'm so excited about it, I can't wait. I have a feeling it'll be an awesome year. And I'm gonna try real hard not to be a loser this year, too! Yeah!

I guess that's it for now. The commercials thing was really the only thing I had to talk about, as you could probably figure out since the rest of this is just pointless rambling. So I'm gonna stop wasting your time now. Bottom line: music = good, back-to-back commercials = bad, and cicadas = ugly motherfuckers. And to connect this to what Adam said a while ago, yeah, there should be a comma before the "and." His teachers don't know anything at all about grammar, apparently.